In August, the trend of
decrease in goods handled from the port of Barcelona which is
in place since the beginning of 2023 and is mainly determined
the reduction of containerized traffic, in particular that
of transhipment. Last month the Catalan port of call has
Handled 4.76 million tons of cargo, with a decrease
of -18.1% regarding 5,81 million tons realized to
August 2022. In the miscellaneous goods segment alone, the volume
altogether it has been of 3,76 million tons (- 19.2%),
of which 2,70 million tons of cargos in container (- 24.7%)
totaled with a handling of containers pairs to 284 thousand teu
(- 15.4%) - including 158 thousand teu in import-export (- 11.8%) and 125 thousand
Teu in transit (- 19.6%) - and 876 thousand tons of goods
(+3.9%). Bulk also fell sharply (-17.1%)
liquid amounted to 832 thousand tons, of which 577 thousand tons
of hydrocarbons (- 28.5%) and 255 thousand tons of other cargos
(+29,4%). Solid bulk also decreased with 349 thousand
tons (-7.9%).
In the first eight months of 2023 the port has enlivened globally
41,77 million tons of goods, with a contraction of the -12.0%
on the same period last year. Miscellaneous goods have been
29,91 million tons (- 12.2%), of which 22,22 million
tons of containerized goods (- 15.9%) realized with a
Handling of 2,18 million teu (- 11.3%) - included 866 thousand in
transit (-22.3%) and 1.32 million in import-export (-2.0%) - and 7.69
million tons of conventional goods (+0.8%). Bulk
liquids are piled to 8,52 million tons (- 18.5%) and
the solid ones to 3,35 million tons (+12.8%). In the field of
Passengers traffic was 3.55 million people
(+39.9%), of which 2,25 million crocieristi (+67.3%) and 1,30 million
of ferry passengers (+9.0%).