On today's issue of the "Official Journal of the European Union"
European Union' has been published the
Execution No. 2449 of 2023 laying down the new models and
new technical standards for the submission of monitoring plans,
Emission Reports and Compliance Documents
pursuant to European Regulation No. 757 of 29 April
2015 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the monitoring,
reporting and verification of greenhouse gas emissions
generated by maritime transport as amended by the Regulation
European Law No. 957 of 2023 to include transport activities
in the Emissions Trading System
in the European Union (EU ETS).
Implementing Regulation 2449/2023 repeals and replaces the
Implementing Regulation 1927/2016 with effect from
next January 1, the date on which the greenhouse gas emissions
will be included in the EU ETS.