Saipem has awarded two offshore contracts, one in Guyana and the other in Brazil, worth about 1.9 billion. The first contract was awarded by ExxonMobil Guyana Limited, a subsidiary of ExxonMobil, for the project to develop the Whiptail oil field, located in the Stabroek block, in the waters off Guyana, at a depth of about 2,000 meters. The purpose of Saipem's work includes the design, fabrication and installation of underwater facilities, risers, flowlines and umbilicals for a large submarine production plant. Saipem will perform operations using its ships
FDS2 ,
Constellation and
Castorone and will use as a key manufacturing site for its execution model the Guyana Offshore Construction Facility located in the port of Georgetown. Pending the necessary government authorizations, the approval of the investment by ExxonMobil Guyana and its partners in the Stabroek block and the authorization to proceed with the final stage, the assignment allows for the start by of Saipem of some limited activities, namely, retail engineering and supply.
The second contract was awarded by Equinor for the Raia project, the development of a pre-salt gas field and condensate in the Campos Basin, located about 200 km off the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The purpose of Saipem's work includes the transportation and offshore installation of submarine conduct for the export of gas and associated structures, in deep waters about 2,900 meters, and horizontal drilling activities for the coastal approx. For the installation works Saipem will employ its own posatubi ship Castorone . Saipem highlighted that with this project it will contribute to the realization of one of the most important gas development projects in Brazil, which could account for 15% of the overall domestic demand of the country. The extracted gas will be transported through the pipelines installed by Saipem for about 200 km from the field to a gas receiving plant that will be built in Cabiúnas, in the city of Macaé in the state of Rio de Janeiro.