The GNV shipping company of the MSC Group will carry out a new recruiting campaign to present job opportunities on board its ships and for the insertion of some 350 new resources ahead of the upcoming summer season. The first date will be held next Monday in Naples, at the GNV office at Maritime stations (Molo Angioino), from 13.30 to 19.00 and the next day from 9.30 to 18.00. The recruiting campaign will then continue in 2024 by touting cities such as Palermo, Pizzo Calabro (Vv), Molice (Ba), Bari, Genoa, Civitavecchia and Pozzallo (Rg).
GNV researchs numerous professionalism with varying degrees of experience and seniority, among these machine and blanket personnel as officers, ottonai, factory workers and frigorists but also hotel management staff as hotel managers and cooks, garzoni and small chamber. In addition, candidates who know the languages, in particular the Arabic, French and Spanish languages, are sought for uses at the information offices. you can consult the company's website and write to .