On Thursday, the Management Committee of the
Port System of the Western Ligurian Sea has authorized
the assignment in favour of the Rti Fuorimuro Shunting & Rail to be established
of the railway shunting service for a period of five years,
plus option to renew for a further two years, for a value of
of approximately €61.6 million.
With regard to support for port work, the Committee of the Regions
recognized the CULMV "Paride Batini" for a contribution
amounting to Euro 772 thousand in relation to the costs incurred in the
period April-June 2023 for re-employment in other tasks of the
unfit for port work and a contribution of more than
€1.8 million related to fewer days recorded in the period
January–October 2023 motivated by geopolitical conditions
of the international context, which add new pressures on the
global trade.
Among other measures, the Management Committee
approved the issuance of a twenty-year concession to SAVI Srl,
ship repairer specialized in the refitting of entire portions of
thus ensuring a positive employment trend with the
stabilization of more than 80 workers.