'The Council of Ministers has approved two provisions
important aspects of port work'. This was announced by the deputy
Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Edoardo Rixi, explaining
that 'in fact, operations are being extended
of the Agency for the Administration and Training of Employment in the
transhipment ports of Gioia Tauro and Taranto and is extended to the
Port Authorities - also for 2024 - the possibility of
to provide financial support to undertakings authorised to carry out
port operations and services, as well as providers of
temporary work at national airports'.
Recalling that "in many national ports, conflicts in
Ukraine and the Middle East have led to a decline in
traffic with a relative decrease in the number of shifts worked by companies
provide the manpower', Rixi pointed out that the
measures taken by the government represent "a step towards
in support of a sector that is essential to maintain the
efficient trade flows and contribute to growth