In 2023, the terminal operator PSA International group of Singapore
set a new all-time record for containerized traffic
having handled a total of 94.8 million TEUs, with a
an increase of +4.3% over the previous year and an increase of 3.3%

million TEUs on the previous high recorded in 2021. The new
record has been achieved thanks to historical peaks in volumes
of traffic handled by the group both in the port of Singapore and in the
in the foreign terminals managed by the company. Last year in Singapore
Traffic amounted to 38.8 million TEUs, an increase in
by +4.8% on 2022, while PSA's foreign terminals were
A total of 56.0 million TEUs were handled (+3.9%).
Commenting on the satisfactory results achieved by PSA in the
2023, the group's chairman, Tan Chong Meng, specified that
The outlook for the current year is characterized by
uncertainty: "Looking ahead to 2024," he explained, "
prospects for the global economy remain unclear and
The world braces for further potential volatility
of the geopolitical situation'.