The Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Edoardo
Rixi, announced the holding of a meeting at the dicastery
with the presidents of the Port System Authorities and the
representatives of the logistics sector convened at the
Parliament to analyse the impact of the crisis in the region of
Red Sea. 'With the port authorities and representatives
logistics - explained Rixi - we shared data and
Detailed analyses of the situation in the Red Sea. Pressures
environmental and socio-economic - the Deputy Minister pointed out -
require immediate action, and we have seen a common commitment to
working together to develop concrete and sustainable solutions. The
Our ministry is constantly monitoring the situation in order to adapt
strategies based on the evolution of the context'.
Rixi announced that "a new meeting will take place
following the next meeting of the Interministerial Committee for
maritime transport and port security, between about three
weeks'. "The collaboration continues," he said.
stressed - will be essential to overcome the crisis of the Sea
Red, ensuring a sustainable future for our system