In 2023, Spanish ports handled 543.3 globally
million tonnes of goods, with a decrease of -3.3% compared to the
to the previous year. In the miscellaneous goods sector alone, the decline is
-2.9% as 262.6 million euros were moved.
tonnes, of which 178.7 million tonnes of cargo
containerized (-4.7%) made with a handling of
containers equal to 16,379,280 TEUs (-4.5%), of which 7,982,340 TEUs per
disembarkation/embarkation (-4.1%) and 8,396,940 TEUs in transit (-4.9%), and 84.0
million tonnes of conventional goods (+1.2%). Bulk
decreased by -3.7% to €175.1 million.
tons and dry bulk were also down with 90.4
million tonnes (-3.7%).
Passenger traffic recovered sharply with 39.2 million
total persons (+18.9%), of which 27.2 million passengers of the
services (+9.8%) and with a new all-time record of
cruises with 12.0 million passengers (+46.8%).
With regard to the main Spanish ports by volume of
traffic, last year the port of Algeciras
totalled 104.8 million tonnes of goods (-2.3%), of which
56.6 million tonnes of containerised cargo (+0.4%) with
container handling of 4,733,385 TEUs (-0.7%), 8.2
million tonnes of conventional goods (-3.7%), 26.5 million tonnes
tonnes of liquid bulk (-2.9%) and 448 thousand tonnes of
dry bulk (-67.5%). Passenger traffic on services
more than 5.5 million people (+26.3%).
In 2023, the Port of Barcelona handled a total of
62.4 million tonnes of cargo (-9.6%), including 33.5 million tonnes
tonnes of containerised goods (-10.9%) made with a
container handling of 3,280,048 TEUs (-6.9%), 11.2%
million tonnes of conventional goods (-1.5%), 12.9 million tonnes
tonnes of liquid bulk (-16.8%) and 4.8 million tonnes of
tonnes of dry bulk (+5.6%). The total number of
passengers on regular lines was 1.7 million
(+8.7%) and cruise passengers by 3.6 million
units (+52.9%).
Last year in Valencia, the global figure for goods was
77.2 million tonnes (-2.7%), of which 53.7 million tonnes
tonnes of container cargo (-4.3%) with a handling of
containers equal to 4,803,995 TEUs (-4.9%), 15.3 million tons
of conventional cargo (+3.8%), 5.3 million tonnes of bulk
liquid cargoers (-9.0%) and almost 2.5 million tonnes of solid bulk
(+9,4%). There were 777,000 passengers on regular lines