"Recognising workers' rights or it will be
strike'. That is the ultimatum to employers today
of work in the port sector by Filt Cgil Genoa and Liguria, Fit
Cisl Liguria and Uiltrasporti Liguria on the occasion of the assembly
of the transport trade union delegates centred on the
on the renewal of the port workers' contract to which they have
attended by about a hundred delegates as well as the secretaries
of the three trade unions, Amedeo d'Alessio, Maurizio Diamante and
Giuliano Galluccio. At the end of the meeting, the assembly asked for
the Secretariats to continue the negotiation and to activate all the
forms of struggle, including the proclamation of strikes.
Recalling that on 2 February, during the discussion with the
employers, "the secretariats of Filt Fit Uiltrasporti have
a clear distance from the counterparties with respect to the
trade union economic demand for the three-year period 2024-2026 and this
caused the breakdown of the negotiations', the delegations
Ligurian trade unions pointed out that "there are about 20 thousand
Italian dockers who are waiting for the renewal of the contract of the
For Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl and Uiltrasporti, "it is
It is unthinkable that counterparties do not want to recognize a recovery
purchasing power of wages, given the inflationary data
over the last two years and the extraordinary performance recorded by the
from the shipping industry and many port terminals from
the Covid-19 pandemic crisis. In addition, too many accidents in the
ports, some of them sadly deadly, like those of the
In the past few years, which took place in Bari and Cagliari, the unions pointed out
make tangible commitments on security needed to put the
both the necessary regulatory update and the tools
health and safety regulations.