Today in Rome, at the Chamber of Deputies,
The celebratory conference "1994-2024: 30 years together in ports"
organized by the General Command of the Harbour Master's Office and
by the Association of Italian Ports (Assoporti) to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the
years from Law no. 84 of 28 January 1994, by which
the Port Authorities (now the Port Authority) have been established.
Port System) in the main national ports and was established
the General Command of the Port Authorities - Coast Guard.
"Today," said the president of Assoporti, "
Rodolfo Giampieri, in his speech - we are celebrating an anniversary
important. For 30 years, the Port Authorities and the Command
General of the Harbour Master's Office working together for development
of the main Italian ports. The world is in constant turmoil
transformation and the modern port is transformed by
consequence. As a Port System Authority, we are
working hard also in consideration of the funds available from the
PNRR and the complementary fund to make ports even more
innovative and sustainable. The maritime and port supply chain works
thanks to all the stakeholders in the sector, made up of people who
operate in port in collaboration, with a certain organization that
It has always ensured that it works."
Talking about the development prospects of the Harbour Master's Office
Coast Guard, the Commanding General, Admiral
Chief Inspector Nicola Carlone, noted that 'the
direction and the strategic assets of the Corps must necessarily
go through the digital evolution and its impact on the world
shipping. The challenge, he explained, is to innovate
services, adopt a new operating model and a modern
organisational set-up in order to improve the services provided to the
citizens in terms of simplicity, innovation and
efficiency, and all of this is achieved thanks to the 11,000 women and
men of the Coast Guard who deal with passion,
competence and professionalism their daily work at the
service of the country. But this is possible because
You can count on the solid foundation of 30 years of values,
experiences that those who preceded me have been able to trace, with wit
and farsightedness, and which we celebrate today with great emotion and
In his video message that concluded the conference, the deputy
Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Matteo
Salvini, pointed out that "the Port Authorities carry out
a key role in the development of port traffic in
Italy. For this reason - he added - the objective I hope for is
that of having numbers adequate to the responsibilities. 'Re
working to reach 15,000 people by 2030
our Coast Guard."