"It is imperative that we regain the ability to
shipbuilding of Europe by securing orders from shipowners,
including European shipowners'. He stressed this today
Christophe Tytgat, Secretary General of SEA Europe, the association
representing the European shipbuilding industry, intervening at the
a roundtable organised by MEPs Catherine Chabaud
and Pierre Karleskind, during which several speakers from the
maritime community have expressed the urgent need for
a European maritime industrial strategy to support the
competitiveness of European shipyards and shipyard manufacturers
Marine equipment and shipbuilding projects
sustainable and digitised.
The Secretary General of SEA Europe pointed out that
The European maritime technology industry aims to
Consolidate its global leadership in shipbuilding
and in the production of marine equipment,
restore the construction of strategic ship types to
Europe's blue economy, e.g. in short shipping
passenger transport and fishing, and to conquer the
emerging markets such as offshore renewable energy and
alternative fuel carriers.
Noting that today's event was attended by a large number of
Members of the European Parliament and Commission officials
Tytgat said that SEA Europe welcomes "with
the growing interest of politicians in the
competitiveness of the maritime technology sector. In a
changing world with new risks and threats - he noted
Tytgat - the recovery of industrial capacity is a
stability factor for Europe. We want to achieve
together with policy makers and other stakeholders
of the maritime community, in particular shipowners,
offshore renewable energy operators and all sectors of the
Blue Economy».
"The European maritime industry - he stressed
MEP Karleskind - has great potential for innovation and
and we, the European Parliament, but also the Commission
European, we have to rise to the occasion. The "green" potential,
in particular, it is not sufficiently exploited'.