Published in the "Official Journal"
of the European Union's legislative resolution on the proposal for a
Regulation on guidelines for the development of the network
approved on 24 April by the
European Parliament, the port of Civitavecchia has been
definitively recognized as the "Core" port of the
TEN-T network. The Port System Authority of the Tyrrhenian Sea
Northern Centre recalled that the path to inclusion
of Civitavecchia in the "Core" network of the network
European infrastructure dating back to 1996, but only in the last three years.
years ended with the green light before the Commission
European Parliament and now allows ports to finally
Rome and Lazio to be able to enter through the main door in the
European funding programmes.
'Have obtained the formal closure of the procedure and
This recognition at European level - underlined the
President of the Port Authority, Pino Musolino - is a source of great
pride and satisfaction and certifies, once again, that the
The work we are doing is bearing fruit in all the
Areas. We are faced with a result that is the result of a
great institutional teamwork, both at the Italian and
European. It is certainly a stimulus to do more and
better to take advantage of the possibilities offered by the
in the "Core" network, especially for the motorways of the
sea. An opportunity for the development and growth of employment in the
port and the whole territory'.