The shareholders' meeting of Assiterminal which was unanimously elected
Tomaso Cognolato, president of the association of terminal operators
for the next two years. The new president will be
Flanked, within the newly constituted Presidential Council,
by Antonio Barbara (Managing Director of HHLA PLT Italy),
Antonio Pandolfo (president Sales and marketing director of Europea
Terminal Services), Luca Trevisan (human resources director and
organization of the Contship group), Carlo Merli and Luca Becce in
Past President. The elected board of directors
last year, to which are added Giuliana Brucato (managing director
of Automar) and Paolo Cornetto (chief executive officer of FHP Holding
Portuale), as already determined in the last assembly,
he will remain in office for the next two years.
Since 2023 vice president of Assiterminal and president of the
Regulatory and Finance Committee and the Passenger Commission
of the association, president of the Port Economy section
of the Unione Industriali Napoli and member of the management committee of the
Convention Bureaux of Naples, Tomaso Cognolato is
CEO and general manager of Terminal Napoli Spa,
The company that manages the maritime station of the port of
Naples, he has been a member of the board of directors since 2016.
During the assembly, representatives of the 88 companies
paid tribute to the outgoing president Luca Becce a
Very big thanks. Cognolato presented an articulated
program in continuity with the work carried out by Becce in the
the last seven and a half years and both the Board of Directors and the
the Assiterminal assembly considered it useful to proceed with the
consolidation of the commissions and working groups that
will be formalized in the coming days.
On the occasion of the meeting, the
director Alessandro Ferrari for a further four years with the
task of reorganising the structure, strengthening its capacity
incisive and propulsive.
Tomorrow the central elements of the presidency's programme
will be the subject of speeches by Becce and Cognolato during the course
of the public assembly of the association to be held from
10 a.m. at Unioncamere, also in Rome. From 7 p.m. today
instead the rooms of Palazzo Colonna, headquarters of Confitarma, will open
to guests from politics and the associative world.