In the first half of this year, freight traffic in the
Antwerp-Zeegrugge, with a total of 143.2 million
of tons, marked a growth of +3% over the first half
of 2023 which was more accentuated in the second
quarter when, with 72.8 million tonnes,
recorded an increase of about +4% over the April-June period of
last year.
The half-yearly and quarterly increases were produced
by the increase in volumes in all the main product segments
with the exception of those of rolling stock and conventional goods in the
which, in the second quarter of 2024, were handled
5.3 million tonnes (-4%) and 2.7 million tonnes respectively
tons (-4%). During the period, containerized goods
amounted to 37.4 million tonnes (+5%) with a
of containers which amounted to almost 3.4 million TEUs
(+2%). Solid and liquid bulk increased by
+11% and +2% rising to 4.1 million and 23.3 million tons.
In the first half of 2024, container traffic alone was
74.2 million tons, with a growth of +6.8%
on the same period in 2023, and was carried out with a
container handling of 6.7 million TEUs (+4.1%).