The double-digit percentage decline trend in volume
registered by the Kuehne + Nagel logistics group in the
previous six quarters was interrupted in the period
April-June of this year when the company's net sales
amounted to 6.05 billion Swiss francs, with
an increase of +1.2% over the corresponding period of 2023 and with
a growth of +9.5% on the previous quarter. The slight rise
year-on-year was generated by the increase in turnover
from the air freight sector, which is
was equal to 1.81 billion, with an increase of +9.4% on the second
quarter of 2023, while that produced by shipments
decreased by -2.8% to 2.13 billion and
Net sales from shipments also decreased
which amounted to €910 million (-0.8%) and the
generated by contract logistics amounted to 1.20 billion
francs (-1.2%).
The increase in air freight revenue was
produced by the +7.3% growth in the volumes of goods sent to
by air which amounted to 517 thousand tons. In the segment
of maritime shipments, volumes decreased by -0.9% being
1.10 million TEU containers.
In the second quarter of 2024, the group recorded a
EBITDA of CHF 604 million (14.8%), with a
contribution of €206 million from maritime shipments (-32.0%), €132 million
million from air shipments (-15.4%), 52 million from
road shipments (-5.5%) and €219 million from contract
logistics (+9.5%). Group operating profit was 402
million (-23.1%) to which the air freight segment was
was the only one to contribute with a negative result equal to
to -304 million, while the
contribution from the other three main business areas
even if - with regard to shipments by sea and those
- lower than that of the second quarter of 2023. Kuehne
+ Nagel closed the period April-June 2024 with a profit
net of CHF 298 million (-25.1%).