Gianluca Croce, new president of the association of agents
Genoese seafarers, trusts in the continuation, according to the times
pre-established groundwater, the construction of the new breakwater of the port of
Ligurian capital. Referring to the recent judgment of the Council of
A state that confirmed the correctness of the assignment to the consortium
led by Webuild of the works for the construction of the dam, Croce
said he was reassured by the words of the mayor of Genoa on the
Compliance with the timetable: "The guarantees issued
publicly by the mayor Marco Bucci about the respect of the times and
then the dry denial of the rumors that were already strong
delay in the construction of the dam - said the
president of Assagenti - rekindle confidence at a time when
Liguria, the city of Genoa and its port seemed to be
be threatened again by the clouds of immobility
impending. It will not be like this - he said he was convinced
Croce - and the sentence of the Council of State corroborates the confidence
of operators who are not willing to wait for the
of justice, nor those of a policy that is not
scruple of rowing against: there are hundreds at stake, perhaps
thousands (considering the extensive area that gravitates around the port of
Genoa) which depend on the speed and efficiency with
in which the new works will be carried out and become operational".
"The rebirth of this strategic area for the entire country -
concluded Croce - cannot be stopped or suffocated or
by investigations, nor by political convenience".