In the second quarter of this year, the terminal group
Philippine International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI) has
recorded record revenues of $714.1 million, with a
increase of +13.6% over the April-June period of 2023, of which
€684.0 million (+15.4%) from port activities alone, value
quarterly results never reached before. EBITDA values,
EBIT and net profit reached new historical highs as they were
results of €451.2 million (+20.4%), €377.4 million respectively
million (+25.9%) and $232.2 million (+32.3%).
In the second quarter of 2024, the group's port terminals
handled container traffic of 3.22 million
TEU (+1.5%), record volume for this period of the year
and the third highest overall. The only terminals of the
The group handled 1.78 million TEUs in Asian ports
(+10.6%), those in the Americas 830 thousand TEUs (-8.6%) and terminals in
Europe, the Middle East and Africa 607 thousand TEUs (-6.9%).
In the first six months of 2024, containerized traffic
amounted to 6.31 million TEUs, with a
increase of +0.6% over the first half of last year,
of which 3.46 million TEUs handled in Asia (+7.1%), 1.69 million TEUs
TEUs in the Americas (-3.2%) and 1.16 million TEUs in Europe, Middle
East and Africa (-10.6%).