Norway's Kongsberg has signed an agreement to divest its
development of ship steering systems, which
it is currently part of the Propulsion and Handling division of the
Kongsberg Maritime, to Norvestor, a Norwegian company
private equity. The sale includes both the
the creation and sale of new products that the
spare parts for the wheelhouse and for the other governing bodies of the
ships, activities that in 2023 generated revenues of
about 850 million Norwegian kroner (80 million euros).
The agreement, which is expected to be completed by and
no later than the first quarter of next year, includes the commitment
of the parties to collaborate in offering solutions for the governance of
ships to their respective customers worldwide.
Norvestor has announced that the acquired assets will be
transferred to a newly established company with its registered office in
Brattvåg, Norway, which will be named Neuver
Maritime and will have 160 employees spread across different offices,
including Hagavik and Ålesund in Norway as well as in offices
commercial and service in the United States, China, Singapore,
Poland, South Korea and Italy.