The Unione Interporti Riuniti (UIR) expressed appreciation for
the green light for the funds that the Ministry of Infrastructure and
Transport, with the decree allocating the PNRR resources allocated
to the freight terminals signed on 30 August, has assigned to the
FVS-ELODIE project that UIR has promoted to increase and
make the digital equipment of Italian freight terminals more efficient.
FVS-ELODIE plans to bring all intermodal nodes in the network
of freight terminals at the same level of technological equipment and
interoperable with each other, as well as developing a
between knots to comply with the dictates of EU Regulation 2021/1056 which
establishes a legal framework for electronic communication between
public and private operators at EU level.
"The allocation of funds for the digitization of
- underlined the president of the UIR, Matteo
Gasparato - has considerable importance, for a multiplicity of
profiles. First of all, it testifies to the constant attention and
consideration that the current government has towards the network
Italian Interport. In fact, this financing with funds
PNNR, which aims to digitize the logistics chain, follows
previous measures in support, also of the MIT, which have
allowed Italian freight terminals to modernise and strengthen their
infrastructure. It should be remembered that in recent years MIT has
disbursed approximately 115 million euros for projects concerning the
sector, activating co-financing of 145 million euros and
supporting an industry that has proven its role as a service
essential, even in a historical phase of great difficulty
general. Finally, a not insignificant note, it is worth mentioning the great
vitality of the Italian interport network, as evidenced by the
fact that as many as 16 freight terminals have joined the tender, obtained the
financing, by investing own capital. They are mature - he concluded
Gasparato - the time for the successful conclusion of the process
of the interport reform law".