Today the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der
Leyen, presented the members of the new EU governing body
which is made up of six vice-presidents and 20 European commissioners.
The new Commissioner for Sustainable Transport and Tourism will be

the Greek Apostolos Tzitzikostas who is first vice president
of the European Committee of the Regions. Tzitzikostas is part of the
New Democracy party joining the People's Party
Commenting on the appointment of Tzitzikostas, the Deputy Minister of the
Greek Prime Minister and Government Spokesman, Pavlos Marinakis,
underlined that 'the Sustainable Transport portfolio
highlights the geopolitical importance of Greece and its
strategic position as a country that is the gateway to the
trade, energy and networks both to the Western Balkans and to the
towards Eastern Europe, and as the north-eastern vertex of the
Mediterranean. This, said Marinakis, reflects
the important role of our country in connectivity and
transport routes and strengthens both its position on transport routes
and energy to and from Europe is its central role as a
bridge to the Middle East and North Africa. The portfolio of the
Greece manages important EU projects and resources, such as the
Connecting Europe Facility, the EU's financial instrument
to finance strategic investments in transport networks,
in energy and digital. Indicative of its importance is
the fact that in the period 2021-2027 it moves resources of the order of
26 billion euros for the transport sector alone. For the first time
The Greek Government spokesman also pointed out that the
portfolio of our country expands to include Tourism, which is
the "heavy" industry of our country. Greece is
already a pioneer in the adoption of measures for the development of the
sustainable tourism and as a tourist country must contribute with
proposals and initiatives in the direction of sustainable tourism and
improvement of infrastructure".