Today in Mantua, the Kuehne+Nagel logistics group inaugurated a
distribution center of 130 thousand square meters which resulted in a
investment of 350 million euros, the largest
individual financial commitment made to date by the company
Swiss. The center, which is dedicated to the brand's products
adidas and will serve markets in 19 countries

of Southern and Eastern Europe, is equipped with 20
kilometers of conveyor belts and can operate up to
500 thousand shipments per day. It is expected that the new logistics hub
Adidas Campus will create over 700 jobs.
"The inauguration of the adidas logistics hub -
emphasized the CEO of Kuehne+Nagel
International, Stefan Paul - represents the most
great and innovative of our company to this day. It is the
Model for the Next Generation of Distribution Centers
Omnichannel that combine advanced digitalization and
sustainable ones".