"We are on the eve of a crucial step for the
Italian freight terminals. My invitation is to team up with the
institutions, precisely in such a fundamental phase". The
said the president of the Interport Union today in Pordenone
Riuniti (UIR), Matteo Gasparato, on the occasion of the presentation
of the book "The network of Italian freight terminals from the law
240/90 to the green deal" which took place during the
"Pordenonelegge" review. Gasparato explained that,
"in fact, after the passage in the Chamber, in the next few days it will be
the text of the reform law has been scheduled in the Senate Commission
of the freight terminals. It is a text - he pointed out - like everything else
which can be improved, but which represents an important starting point.
It certainly serves to reaffirm the status and role that our
facilities such as infrastructure of general public interest.
It must be recognized that the government and the MIT in recent years, with
concrete acts - continued Gasparato - are giving proof of a
great attention to our infrastructures. Now we have to do
A further step forward".