Today, the European Climate Executive Agency, infrastructure
and Environment (CINEA) has called for proposals for the
funding under the Connecting Europe Facility programme
(CEF) of projects for the implementation and modernisation of the
transport infrastructure network of the European Union and the
countries associated with the CEF, namely Ukraine and Moldova. Resources
available amount to €2.5 billion, of which €1.08 billion
for projects related to the Core segment of the network
€150 million to the Comprehensive segment,
€805 million to smart mobility projects and to
transport interoperability, 160 million to proposals
in the field of sustainable and multimodal mobility and 320
million euros for projects aimed at mobility safety.
The deadline for submission of proposals is
set for next January 21st. The CEF program makes
A total of 25.8 billion in European funds have been available from the
2021-2027 EU budget to financially support projects
affecting the Trans-European Transport (TEN-T) network. Starting
since 2014, the CEF programme has funded over 1,500 projects
disbursing 37.37 billion euros of funds.