Speaking on the proclamation of the strike of a
part of road transport in Sicily, the general manager
of the Sustainable Intermodality Logistics Association
(ALIS), Marcello Di Caterina, said that the association
"reiterates its disagreement with any form of
protest that could paralyze or damage an already
put to the test and, while understanding some recent concerns
emerged, intends to take a clear distance from the recent
demonstrations of dissent and strikes or blockades to and from ports
proclaimed by some associations operating in the sector
road transport of Sicily, linked to the perception of slowness
and insufficient funds allocated to measures
incentives for the sector".
"We are convinced - continued Di Caterina - that,
through an open and constructive dialogue,
solutions that ensure the necessary support for operators
without resorting to drastic measures such as strikes or blockades of
intermodal transport services. In this sense, we are satisfied
that the MIT, also and above all thanks to the dialogue with ALIS to our
constructive contribution to the benefit of the entire supply chain
logistic-port department, has undertaken, with an official note
received by certified email, to work to allocate the funds coming from
from ETS taxation to the increase in the financial envelope
intended precisely for the incentive for maritime intermodality
Sea Modal Shift, also trying, where possible, also to recover
the funds allocated for the year 2022 and not disbursed. This
great result - concluded Di Caterina - would in fact allow
to enhance intermodal transport, helping to reduce the impact of the
and significantly supporting the Motorways of the
and road transport, and would also help to re-establish a
balance between the different modes of transport".