In an attempt to avert the strike of port workers
of ports on the East Coast and the U.S. Gulf, the United States
Maritime Alliance (USMX), an organization representing the
shipping companies and port operators of these ports,
filed an appeal yesterday for unfair practices (Unfair Labor
Practice) against the International Longshoremen's union
Association (ILA) at the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB),
the federal agency tasked with safeguarding the rights of
workers and to prevent and remedy labour practices
unfair practices carried out by employers and trade unions.
Specifying that USMX appreciates the work of the ILA and that it has
great respect for its members, having a
common history of collaboration, the employers' organization has
explained that the appeal was filed "due to the
repeated refusal of the ILA to sit down at the table and negotiate a new
framework contract'. At the National Labor Relations Board, the USMX has
requested the issuance of an immediate injunction that
force the union to resume negotiations.
For its part, the ILA defined the appeal as "another
publicity stunt" conceived by the employer and has
replied that "foreign-owned companies
represented by the USMX that land in American ports,
earn billions of dollars in revenues and profits, bring these
profits abroad and do not adequately reward workers
ILA dockers for their work, are practicing a real and
"unfair labor practice" and get away with it
decades". "The fact that the USMX has presented these
charges four days before the current contract expires
- denounced the union, evidently closing any
possibility of restarting negotiations in extremis -
clearly shows how poor they have been as partners
Negotiating. If the ILA had not entered into serious and productive negotiations,
Most local agreements would not have been concluded
over the last year".