The Transport Regulatory Authorities of Italy and Italy
France have signed a memorandum of understanding for the exchange of
information and experiences between the two authorities on
regulatory measures of common interest and mutual consultation on the
regulation of the transport sector, on the basis of their respective
research work and experience acquired, with the aim of
identify opportunities for improvement and good practices.
Among the topics that are part of the scope of the
signed yesterday in Rome, include the missions,
the organisation and functioning of the authorities; the
monitoring of regulated markets; the regulation of concessions
Highway; the regulation of airport charges under the
Directive 2009/12/EC; the regulation of the transport market
rail pursuant to Directive 2012/34/EU; Regulation
the provision of transport information services
Multimodal; the temporary and structural measures taken in France
and in Italy in times of crisis.
The Authorities will be able to propose and introduce additional topics
interest at any time during the course of the partnership that has
a duration of three years.