The Cypriot shipping company Castor Maritime Inc., which is
owner of a fleet consisting of ten bulk carriers and three
container ship, will acquire control of the German MPC
Münchmeyer Petersen Capital AG (MPC Capital), a
management of investments in the naval and energy sectors. Today the
Castor, through its wholly owned subsidiary
Thalvora Holdings GmbH, has entered into a share buyback agreement
with MPC Münchmeyer Petersen & Co. GmbH (MPC Holding),
which owns 51% of the capital of MPC Münchmeyer Petersen
Capital AG, and with other shareholders of the company under which
will acquire 26.1 million shares in MPC Münchmeyer
Petersen Capital AG, equal to 74.09% of the total share capital,
unit price of 7.00 euros, for a total investment of the value
of 182.8 million euros. The completion of the transaction is
expected by the end of the month.
Listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since 2000, MPC Capital has a
total assets under management worth 4.8 billion euros.