The Italian group Circle Spa, specialized in the analysis of
processes and in the development of solutions for innovation and
digitalisation of the port and intermodal logistics sectors,
has acquired the business unit owned by Telepass
Innova Spa, a subsidiary of Telepass Spa. The branch
includes the Infomobility business unit created by the
merger by incorporation of the company InfoBlu Spa into
Telepass Innova, active in advanced monitoring and
management of traffic on the Italian road and motorway network, and the
Telematics business unit born from the merger by incorporation of the
KMaster Srl company in Telepass Innova, active in the
provision of telematics, platform-based services
proprietary technology technologies, in favor of companies operating in the
logistics, transport and insurance.
The business unit was purchased for a total of
expected consideration of 6.2 million euros from eXyond,
subsidiary of Circle. In the context of the transaction,
a commercial agreement has also been signed between Telepass and Circle of
ten-year duration that will allow Telepass to offer all the
services of the business unit, strengthened and integrated with those of
eXyond and Circle Group, as well as Circle to benefit from the strong
expansion of Telepass' tolling services abroad, first and foremost
in Central Europe, in France, Germany, all of the south and even the east