Commander Emanuele Bergamini is the new president
of the seafarers' union USCLAC-UNCDiM-SMACD (Union of
Trade Union Long-Course Captains in Command / National Union
Captains Chief Engineers / Staff Qualified to Command
or to the Direction of Machine). Bergamini, who will remain in
position in the three-year period 2025-2027, he takes over from commander Claudio Tomei
who has led the union uninterruptedly since 2012, contributing
to its strong growth both in terms of members and
authority and visibility at national level and which has
chosen not to run for a further term.
Bergamini, from Viareggio, after a 20-year career in service
of which 12 spent in command of gas carriers,
chemical tankers and oil tankers, has held the function of
captain of armament, assuming responsibilities
of the maritime personnel office and of the quality and
security of Carboflotta and playing the role of Designated Person
Ashore (DPA) for approximately 10 years.Between 2014 and 2018 Bergamini then took on the role of
managing director of the LITAV training center and since 2018 he has been
member of the USCLAC board.
The USCLAC board also appointed the following as vice-presidents:
commanders Nicola Corradino (confirmed) and Antonino Maggio, while
the UNCDiM General Council confirmed as President the
chief engineer Gianni Badino, who was also elected
president of the unitary union USCLAC-UNCDiM-SMACD.
Meanwhile, the union has organized for next January 28 in
Viareggio the conference "The seafarers of pleasure boating: titles,
market and contracts", a moment of encounter between
professionals in the nautical sector expressly dedicated to
to the crews.