Referring to data released by Alphaliner, the
Unifeeder navigation of the DP World group in Dubai highlighted
which tripled its share of the trade market in 2024
intra-Mediterranean containerized maritime classification ranking among the
top six operators in the Mediterranean by hold capacity
Deployed. Last year, this type of trade recorded a
increase of +9.3%, equal to a capacity of almost 50,000 TEUs,
compared to the end of 2023 and, within this market, the
Unifeeder's share rose from 1.5% to 4.3%, allowing
the company to position itself in sixth place among the main
operators in the region in terms of hold capacity.
Unifeeder currently employs a fleet of 20
container ship with a total capacity of 24,000 TEUs
And in the last 12 months, the company has inaugurated seven new
intra-Mediterranean services with the inclusion of 10,600 TEUs of
capacity and increasing the average capacity of its
ships at 1,186 TEUs.