In the port of Livorno, officials from the local Anti-Fraud Department
of the Customs Office and the financiers of the Livorno Group,
under the coordination of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Livorno,
seized over 217 kilograms of cocaine
very pure divided into almost 200 loaves. The quantity of
was hidden inside a container containing
timber, disembarked from a cargo ship from South America.
On the drug dealing squares, the drug would have yielded over 150
million euros.
The Guardia di Finanza has noted that the seizure confirms
Livorno as one of the ports chosen by drug traffickers to make
to be distributed throughout Europe, to
which is contrasted by the customs control activity of the
Customs officials and the military of the Guardia di Finanza
through a daily and methodical action carried out on traffic
passengers, vehicles and goods of the port of Livorno.