The South Korean shipbuilding company HD Korea Shipbuilding
Hyundai HD Group's Offshore Engineering Co. (KSOE) has
announced today the acquisition of an order with a total value of
of 3,716 billion won ($2.6 billion) for the
construction of 12 container ships of 18,000 TEUs that can be
powered by liquefied natural gas. The new ships - announced
the Asian company - will be delivered by the end of 2028 to a
shipowner that several observers have identified in the
French shipowner group CMA CGM.
Meanwhile, the holding company HD Hyundai Co. has announced that it has
closed 2024 with a turnover of 25,538.6 billion won, in
growth of +19.9% on the previous year. The profit
amounted to 1,434.1 billion won (+408.0%) and
net profit at €1,454.6 billion (+903.9%). Today also the HD Hyundai
Heavy Industries, which - through its parent company KSOE - is headed by
HD Hyundai Co. and is the operating arm of the group
South Korean shipbuilding mechanic, announced that it has closed the financial year
annual 2024 with a turnover of 14,486.5 billion won, with a
increase of +21.1% on 2023, with an operating profit of 705.2
billion (+294.8%) and with a net profit of 621.5 billion won