In 2024, the ports of Sardinia have handled
41.65 million tonnes of goods, with a
An increase of +1.7% on the previous year. Growth is
was mainly generated by the increase in miscellaneous goods, with the
containerized cargoes amounted to 825 thousand tons (+145.9%)
for container handling of 196,539 TEUs (+41.5%) and
with rolling stock amounting to 12.66 million tonnes (+3.2%).
Liquid bulk cargo also increased slightly by +0.8% with a total of
24.43 million tonnes, of which 12.30 million tonnes of
crude oil (-2.1%), 11.64 million tons of products
refined petroleum products (+4.8%), 229 thousand tons of refined petroleum products
chemicals (+20.9%), 211 thousand tons of petroleum products
gaseous, liquefied or compressed and natural gas (+4.3%) and 54 thousand
tons of other liquid bulk cargo (-68.8%). Solid bulk cargo,
instead, they decreased by -9.1% to 3.73 million
tons, including 1.46 million tons of coal and lignite
(-8.8%), 1.34 million tonnes of minerals and materials to be
construction (-7.1%), 383 thousand tons of cereals (-1.1%), 156 thousand
tons of food, feed and oilseeds (+44.1%),
61 thousand tons of metallurgical products (-49.4%), 29 thousand tons
tons of chemicals (-85.4%) and 302 thousand tons of
other dry bulk (+25.2%).
The global increase in freight traffic in Sardinian ports is
was generated by the +3.5% increase in volumes handled by the port
of Cagliari/Sarroch which amounted to 30.10 million
Tons. Traffic in the
port of Porto Torres with 3.08 million tons (+0.4%) as follows
as in the port of Olbia with 6.40 million tons (-0.5%). In
traffic in the ports of Oristano decreased with 1.17 million tons
(-9.1%), Portoscuso/Portovesme with 689 thousand tons (-16.0%),
Arbatax with 110 thousand tons (-7.6%) and Golfo Aranci with 92 thousand
tonnes (-35.1%).
Last year, passenger traffic in port ports
was 7.22 million people (+8.6%). In the sector
of scheduled services, ferry traffic totalled 5.56
million passengers (+4.5%) and that of services to the islands
fewer 970 thousand passengers (+9.9%). In the cruise segment, it is
a new historical record was set with 864 thousand passengers
(+57.5%) all in transit.
"2024 - commented the president of the Authority
of the Port System of the Sea of Sardinia, Massimo Deiana - has
represented the peak of a rapid rise that, in just four
years, has filled the crisis of 2020 and overcome, in terms of
growth, the excellent results of 2019 and, last but not least, those of the
2023. We are witnessing an all-time record in the cruise market,
which is preparing to approach the threshold of 700 thousand transits and
to an equally satisfactory one, in the ferry sector, which breaks through
the ceiling of 6 and a half million passengers. A port system
The one that emerged from the 2024 figure is healthy, also supported by a recovery
of the freight sector which, despite the international crisis,
closes with a general plus sign, bringing back a breath of fresh air
optimism on the docks and, consequently, to a new season
entrepreneurial and employment for the airports of competence".