The Port System Authority of the Eastern Ligurian Sea
announced that the deadline for the notice has been postponed
for the selection of proposals for intervention by
concessionaires/terminal operators operating in the port areas of La
Spezia and Marina di Carrara for the purchase of service vehicles
powered by electricity or hydrogen, or for
the electrification of existing vehicles. Interventions must
include the purchase of electric or hydrogen vehicles for the
handling of goods and/or waste, shuttles for the transport of
collective of people within the port area, the
transformation of existing vehicles into electric or hydrogen and
provide for the scrapping of replaced vehicles. Contributions to the fund
may cover up to 100% of eligible costs,
with the limit of 300,000 euros per company in three years and cannot
cumulation with other sources of Community funding.
The new deadline for the call is set at 12 noon on
14 February, while requests for clarification may be
be forwarded, exclusively via PEC until 5 p.m. on 4
February. The announcement can be consulted and downloaded at this