In 2024 TIN - Terminal Intermodale Nola, a company
controlled by Interporto Campano which manages the intermodal area,
recorded an increase of +18% in volumes handled, which were
increased from 59,995 intermodal transport units in 2023 to
70,593 UTIs last year. The total number of trains operated
overall during 2024 amounted to 1,277
Convoys. As regards the traffic of goods by road, the figure
remained stable in 2024 as well, standing at
5,801,522 tons.
"The 2024 figures - commented the CEO
by TIN, Lucio Punzo - confirm that the development process
continues, as programmed by the NICU. Since 2023 we have
worked to quickly identify intermodalities willing to
process the business at our terminal in Nola.
The Nola Freight Village, which already welcomes the main players
of the Italian railway market, is now ready to attract
international partners and clients who are genuinely interested in investing
in intermodality".
Currently, eight are active to and from the Nola terminal
weekly train services: Milan (six times a week),
Piacenza (four times), Fiorenzuola (three times), Gioia Tauro (three times),
times), Ostrava (twice), Bari (once), Parma (twice) and
Turin (once).
Claudio Ricci, president and CEO of
Interporto Campano, also highlighted the development of the interport
in terms of technologies: "thanks to the PNRR funds - he explained
- the Nola Interport is even more digital and
interconnected with other Italian logistics and intermodal nodes,
since with the assignment of ministerial co-financing it is
the FVS-ELODIE project has started. This project aims to
increase and make the digital equipment of freight terminals more efficient
including the Nola one. In addition, in addition to the development of
of core operating activities, primarily transportation
rail freight and intermodality, we aim for the expansion of
of the interport area and the enhancement of the existing site".