The Port System Authority of the Adriatic Sea
Meridionale has completed the European tender for the management of the
the provision of temporary work to support businesses
ports for the ports of the system, attributing this activity
in the port of Bari to Nazario Sauro Soc. Coop. a r.l., in the port of
Toast to the Nicola and Salvatore Briamo Company
Cooperative, in the port of Manfredonia at the Coop. Port Services
Cardinal Orsini S.C.P.A. and in the port of Barletta to the Company
Unica Lavoratori Portuali Barletta, Molfetta, Trani Soc. Coop.
Today, at the Bari headquarters of the institution, the extraordinary commissioner
of the Port Authority, Admiral Vincenzo Leone, in the presence of the secretary
general, Tito Vespasiani, and the directors of the Operations Department
Port Authority, has signed the authorizations,
lasting eight years, to the four companies identified.
The Port Authority, with an order of 6 June, had introduced the
New regulation for the provision of temporary work in ports
falling within the jurisdiction of the System Authority
"Thanks to the fruitful work of our structure -
commented Admiral Leone - the ports of the System will be able to
finally count on a mechanism of mutual assistance. Not
we will witness more the old parochial diatribes; from
Today, in fact, each port will be able to benefit,
uninterruptedly, of the supply of port work.
We have decided to identify the companies with a valid tender
that is, open to the participation of operators
from all EU Member States, ensuring that
thus greater competitiveness, transparency and
access to a wider market of potential suppliers,
while safeguarding work units and adapting the
tariffs to the recent renewal of the National Collective Bargaining Agreement
Job Ports. If a company in the port to which it belongs - has
underlined Leone - will not be able to ensure a performance for
for any reason, the support of
a company operating in another port. This is the
concrete demonstration of how successful the mechanism of the
System. Because unity is always strength."