The Chinese port group China Merchants Port Holdings Ltd.
(CMPort) and the wholly-owned subsidiary Cyber Chic
Co. have made an agreement with the Brazilian Prumo Logística
and Açu Petróleo Investimentos and their joint venture
venture Vast Infraestrutura, 80% owned and 80% respectively
to 20%, to acquire 70% of the latter's share capital
company that manages a terminal for liquid bulk in the port
Brazilian airport in Açu (Rio de Janeiro), a terminal that Vast boasts
be the only Brazilian private port terminal capable of
accommodate VLCC tankers.
The agreement provides that upon completion of the CMPort transaction
holds 70% of the capital of Vast and Prumo the remaining 30%. The
expected value for the acquisition of the capital stake is
of about 448 million dollars and the agreement provides that the value
of the entire transaction not exceeding $714 million.
Currently, about 30% passes through the Vast terminal
of crude oil exports from Brazil. The end
it handles 560 thousand barrels daily and has a capacity of
1.2 million barrels per day.