In the port of Augusta, the
transfer of the load-bearing structures, weighing about 1,200
tons, of two large gantry cranes on rails that were
unused for six years for civil and criminal litigation. The
movement of lifting equipment in the yards behind the
Ro-Ro pier will allow the arrangement and reassembly
mega structures that can later be used. The
dismantling and relocation of the cranes, worth ten
million euros, which had been entrusted last July to AMS
Specifying that the two cranes are owned
of the Port System Authority of the Sicilian Sea
Oriental, while cranes in commercial ports generally
belong to port companies and not to administrations
commenting on the transfer of lifting equipment, the
president of the port authority, Francesco Di Sarcina, underlined
that it is "a decisive step since they posed
to water and wind for too long and had become a symbol of
Carelessness. Once this work was finished, however, - he pointed out
- can be considered an example of good administration and
redemption-relaunch of the Augustan port for their precious use".