On Saturday, the d'Amico Società di Navigazione signed
the deed of acquisition of the property of the Sisters of the
Congregation of St. Mary Magdalene Postel, a historic building
on three floors in the center of Gaeta with large green spaces that will be
made entirely available to the ITS Academy Caboto in
completion of the administrative process that will allow the
completion of the deed of purchase by the Ministry of
Cultural Heritage and Activities.
Overall, classrooms, laboratories, a
astronomical observatory, accommodation and even a guesthouse. In
new headquarters, three full navigation simulators will be installed
missions, therefore extremely immersive: Bridge, Cargo Handling and
Engine Room and a simulator dedicated to pleasure boating. The value
of the total intervention is around ten million euros. Yes
- said Cesare d'Amico, CEO of the
d'Amico group - of "a great satisfaction for our
group for this important result. They are historic places that, once
once renovated, they will change the face of ITS Caboto. The Academy
is experiencing an important season of growth and the acquisition
It marks the beginning of great projects."
"This great opportunity for growth -
commented Clemente Borrelli, director of the Caboto Academy - is
once again the demonstration that the formula adopted for the management of the
of ITS, which sees the public and private sectors working together is
a formula for success. It was already ten years ago,
when it was possible to build the headquarters at the Palace
of Culture, which will continue to host some of our
laboratories and classrooms, but it is especially so today, which
With the exceptional availability of one of our members, the
d'Amico Società di Navigazione, it is possible
multiply the effects of the PNRR, creating a campus, excellence
not only for the territory, but for Italy, as already
appreciated by the Ministry of Education and Merit. It will be
to us, together with the many students we will be able to welcome,
make this great project concrete".