In 2024, the revenues of the DHL logistics and express courier group
amounted to €84.19 billion, an increase of +3.0%
on the previous year. The value of the operating margin
gross fell by -2.0% to 10.61 billion and decreased
operating profit and net profit also fell to 5.89
billion (-7.2%) and 3.57 billion euros (-9.3%).
The fourth quarter of 2024 alone recorded a significant
recovery of the Group's economic performance, which closed the
period with an increase in operating profit after eight quarters
consecutive declines. In the period October-December of last year
revenues amounted to 22.70 billion euros, up
by +6.4% over the same period in 2023, of which 6.84 billion
generated by the express delivery business (+4.4%), 5.11 billion
from shipping activities (12.0%) – including 1.73 billion
from air shipments (+16.4%) and 1.46 billion from shipments
maritime (+25.4%) -, 4.58 billion from other solutions for the
supply chain (+5.0%), €2.02 billion from
e-commerce (+10.5%) and €4.87 billion from postal and
parcels in Germany (+2.7%). Ebitda is
3.10 billion euros (+8.8%), operating profit of 1.85 billion euros
billion (+12.9%) and net profit of 1.15 billion euros (+8.3%).
In the last quarter of 2024, DHL made 572 thousand
deliveries per day in Germany (+12.8%) and 1.11 million deliveries
per day in other countries (-8.5%). In addition, the group has
handled a volume of air shipments equal to 468 thousand tons
(+8.1%) and sea shipments of 832 thousand TEU containers