In the Sardinian port of Oristano - Santa Giusta the
delivery of the construction site for the construction of the new Service Center
Multifunctional for Agri-food Logistics (CE. S.P.L.A.)
entrusted to the Apice Srl company which, by the end of next year,
November, will have to provide for the renewal and readaptation
of the building of about one thousand square meters, once used as a
Fire Brigade barracks, to house the Control Point
Frontier Worker (PCF) of the Ministry of Health, the offices
of the Port System Authority of the Sea of Sardinia, new
spaces serving cruise ship passengers and some
premises intended for the port cluster.
The intervention amounts to a total of over 7.6 million
euros and is entirely financed by the National Plan of
Recovery and Resilience dedicated to the development of logistics in the
agri-food, fisheries and aquaculture, forestry,
floriculture and nursery.
Underlining that, with the construction of the first
multifunctional, the port of Oristano - Santa Giusta strengthens its
vocation as a strategic hub for the agri-food sector and for the
port logistics by encouraging, thanks to the services dedicated to the sector
such as the PCF, the strengthening of commercial traffic which,
in the year just ended, they recorded about 1.2 million
tons of bulk cargo, the president of the Port Authority, Massimo Deiana,
highlighted that "the start of the work of the CE. S.P.L.A.
represents a fundamental step for the strengthening of the system
logistics of the port of Oristano, but also a significant boost
for the agri-food sector, strategic for the entire economy
regional. This infrastructure - he added - will not only improve
competitiveness of the port in the sector, but will offer
essential services for the future development of the market
cruise line".