The introduction of Environmental, Social and Governance standards
(ESG) represents a profound transformation for companies, which
they need to integrate sustainability into their business models
business. This was highlighted by the experts Andrea Di Donna and
Pasqualino Saragò speaking at the webinar entitled
"Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive - The Financial Statements of
sustainability. Obligations, challenges and opportunities for
terminal and port companies in the application of the decree
legislative 125/2024" which was organized
by the National Union of Port Companies (UNIPORT). According to the two
experts, the collaboration between digital innovation, finance
and ESG practices will be crucial to achieving the
sustainable development goals and address global challenges such as
climate change and social equity.
A challenge, that of sustainability, that companies
are ready to face: "the companies associated with
UNIPORT - underlined the president of the Union, Pasquale Legora
de Feo - will surely be able to seize opportunities
arising from this new challenge and the association is ready to
offer them its support in this process".
Speaking on behalf of the port authorities, the secretary
General of the Association of Italian Ports (Assoporti), Oliviero
Giannotti recalled that "many System Authorities
Port Authorities have been experimenting with the
preparation of the sustainability report and that many
have continued to adopt on a voluntary basis over the years
Subsequent. This experience - explained Giannotti - has been
in fact, the balance of
sustainability as well as proving to be a useful tool for
management has also contributed to improving communication
with the surrounding cities and communities".
The works also saw the interventions of the head
Department of Transport and Navigation of the Ministry of Transport.
Infrastructure and Transport, Enrico Maria Pujia, of the
representatives of numerous UNIPORT companies and other
associations of the maritime-port and logistics cluster.