Norway yard firms to merge A NEW European shipbuilding giant is being created by the merger of the shipyard operations of Norway's Aker RGI and Aker Maritime, it was disclosed yesterday.
EC sets 'oral hearing' date with P&I clubs THE European Commission's objections to the workings of the International Group of P&I Clubs are scheduled to be discussed at an "oral hearing" at the end of April, Lloyd's List has learned.
INS sizes up Real port and rail project INS Contractors, one of Europe's largest engineering consortia, is eyeing the development of the $5bn integrated international container port, rail and expressway project in Real, Quezon province.
Chinese premier set to award first licence for British insurer CHINA'S new prime minister, Zhu Rongji, is due to arrive in London today on a five-day trip during which he is likely to announce that a British insurer has been granted a licence to operate in China.
Swedish Club tackles year 2000 effect THE major challenge in tackling the so-called "millennium bug" may be tracing all the devices which contain embedded chips - not just mainframe computers and PCs, the Swedish Club has warned.
Legal experts warn ship managers on ISM Code WARNINGS about the practical implications of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code on the operations of professional ship managers have been given by a number of legal experts.
Cyprus sounds new alert on forged seamen's certificates A HONDURAN cargoship was being detained in Cyprus over the weekend in the latest of a number of cases where maritime officials have discovered officers' certificates of competency to be fake.
Speculation grows over Neptune Orient results UNCERTAINTY over how Singapore container carrier Neptune Orient Lines (NOL) will treat the costs of its merger with APL is yielding a wide range of estimates for NOL's full-year results which are due out today.
BI Tugs in joint venture talks MEDWAY towage operator BI Tugs, a joint venture between UK-based Alan C Bennett Ltd and Ibaizabal SA in Spain, is today in talks regarding a new joint venture.
Rankin resigns from Marine Risk Management MARINE Risk Management Group has announced that it has regretfully accepted the resignation of its media relations director Philip Rankin.
B&N buys bulker BYLOCK & Nordsjöfrakt has purchased the 5,700 dwt ice-strengthened bulk carrier Stella Pacific from Lido Rederi.
Aker Yards to be formed THE Norwegian shipbuilding and marine equipment group Aker Maritime and its parent company Aker RGI will form Aker Yards from the shipbuilding activities of the two companies.
POEA transfers 'crew dispute' vessels THE Philippine Overseas Employment Administration has started initiating the transfer of about 50 vessels manned by Crewlink to another Manila-based crewing agency.
ICTSI is awarded Argentina contract MANILA-based ICTSI has been awarded a 30-year contract to manage and operate the general cargo port of Rosario in Argentina.
Total bid offer for Shreyas THE major shareholders of Indian operator Shreyas Shipping are to make an opening offer of about Rs10 ($0.25) per share for all outstanding shares in the company.
Kværner rotates shipyard managers KVÆRNER Shipbuilding has announced a number of senior management changes within Kv'rner Masa-Yards in Finland and Kværner Warnow Werft in Germany.
Venezuela cuts back VENEZUELA will not offer any fuel oil on the spot market in April due to the cutback in production that will take effect on April 1
Indonesia and Russia join oil cutbacks INDONESIA and Russia are the latest oil producing countries to join the OPEC-led export cutbacks.
Strike hits Colombian coffee COLOMBIAN coffee exports may drop by 300,000 bags in March.
Credit risk for Australian commodities AUSTRALIA'S multi-billion dollar commodity exports to Asia are being threatened by insufficient credit and insurance cover.
Malta talks to Ulstein regarding shipbuilder MALTA'S prime minister Alfred Sant revealed yesterday that the government is in talks with the Norwegian group Ulstein regarding the running of Malta Shipbuilding Co.
Rio slated for inefficiency HAMBURG Süd has protested to Companhia Docas do Rio de Janeiro, the port authority, about service deterioration at the port.
NYK to acquire Showa Line JAPANESE operator NYK is to take over struggling compatriot Showa Line.
American ECO bids for Dominion Bridge AMERICAN ECO has bid C$92.5m ($66m) for Dominion Bridge, owner of Davie Industries shipyards.
SCI to raise lng issue with government SHIPPING Corp of India is to meet the new minister of surface transport after it was shut out from membership of an lng grouping.
Intercargo secretary still in his post "I'M still here," said Intercargo secretary Ken Long this morning, in response to reports that the organisation's planned restructuring included his departure.
Gaz Atlantique takes over tanker operator GAZ Atlantique has announced its takeover of tanker operator Fouquet Sacop.
Darfeuille se désengage du secteur du vrac Le groupe français Darfeuille a mis sa division Eurosilo dans l'étalage. Des négociations sont actuellement en cours avec plusieurs grands opérateurs français et étrangers. C'est ce que nous a confirmé Didier Darfeuille, directeur de la société. Par contre, il a démenti formellement l'information selon laquelle Vos Logistics, une division du groupe néerlandais de transport routier et intermodal Harry Vos, a déjà conclu l'affaire. Le Financieel Dagblad avait publié que Vos "a acheté le groupe français Darfeull (sic) et ses sept sièges". Darfeuille nous a déclaré au téléphone que "Vos est effectivement un des candidats-acquéreurs d'Eurosilo, mais les négociations sont encore en cours". Il a précisé que cette transaction cadre dans le retrait du groupe du secteur du vrac.
EWIL: une escale directe à Anvers est possible à terme Lorsque l'on parle aujourd'hui de services de lignes régulières containérisés, l'attention est automatiquement polarisée par les mega-carriers et autres mega-alliances, alors qu'il y a çà et là des petits armements qui parviennent encore à s'insérer avec un certain succès dans des grands trafics. Nous citerons le cas de l'armement "Europe West Indies Lines" (EWIL), qui dépend de l'entreprise néerlandaise Wethold International bv, de Rotterdam, et qui depuis dix ans se développe progressivement sur la route des Caraïbes et de l'Amérique centrale. Selon le directeur de l'armement R. Krouwel, l'opération est toujours rentable, d'autant plus qu'elle répond à des besoins spécifiques.
L'escale du "Kristin" souligne l'intérêt stratégique d'Anvers pour Knudsen Le "Kristin Knudsen" a effectué sa première escale au port d'Anvers (quai 503) samedi dernier à 23h30, soit un jour après avoir quitté son chantier à Gijon. Le citernier pour produits chimiques flambant neuf de l'armement norvégien Knudsen est venu charger ses premiers lots partiels dans le port scaldien.
La logistique amont de deux sites Fiat bientôt reprise par TNT Selon un "preliminary agreement" (accord restant à finaliser) qui vient d'être signé, en Italie, Fiat Auto Company devrait confier à TNT Production Logistics l'essentiel des activités concernant l'approvisionnement (logistique amont) des usines de Mirafiori ainsi que de Rivalta, toutes les deux situées en Italie. Ce serait ainsi le plus important contrat jamais signé en ce domaine.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher