Friede Goldman Halter merger is completed Friede Goldman International Inc. and Halter Marine Group, Inc. have completed their merger to become Friede Goldman Halter, Inc. It will begin trading on the New York Stock Exchange under the new symbol "FGH" starting tomorrow ... and it looks like the cost cutting ax is getting ready to fall.
End of Avondale union fight in sight? The Metal Trades Department of the AFL-CIO and Litton Shipbuilding Systems and Avondale Shipyard have come to terms on an agreement to put the issue of union representation back in the hands of the Avondale work force.
Record quarter for Cal Dive Offshore construction and salvage specialist Cal Dive International, Inc. has announced record net income of $9.0 million during the third quarter, . Revenues of $58.5 million nearly equaled those generated in the entire first half of the year.
Finding ways to get TBT out of shipyard waste water The Center for Advanced Ship Repair and Maintenance (CASRM), at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Va., has been awarded a contract by US EPA for $1,155,200 to develop water treatment technologies to remove TBT from shipyard wastewater
Skaugen unit leases lightering tanker Skaugen PetroTrans Ltd. (SPT), a subsidiary of IM Skaugen ASA, Oslo, has entered into a five year lease with floating rate for an Aframax newbuilding with special lightering features.
Igloo seals LPG mega-fleet deal A THIRD mega-fleet is being created in the liquefied petroleum gas carrier market following a pooling deal between Scandinavian shipping giants AP M'ller and Bergesen in the 8,000-22,000 cu m size range.
Two Alandia aframaxes arrested in UK TWO 1981 built aframax vessels belonging to Finnish company Alandia Tankers have been arrested in the UK by MeritaNordbanken, sparking questions about the future of the Mariehamn-based operator.
Statoil profits quadruple in first nine months IMPROVED crude prices and gains on asset sales from restructuring helped state-owned Norwegian oil and energy company Statoil to virtually quadruple net profits in the first nine months 1999.
Siren yard put up for sale by ACH FRENCH shiprepairer, Siren, yesterday confirmed that it was up for sale along with other subsidiaries of the Le Havre-based Ateliers et Chantiers du Havre shipbuilding and engineering group.
Moorhouse lays foundations DAVID Moorhouse has hit the ground running. He had little choice.
Ivarans and CP Ships settle dispute in friendly fashion IVARANS Rederi and Canada's CP Ships are understood to have settled their dispute over the May 1998 sale of Ivaran Lines, which was to go to arbitration in Oslo.
OECD liner debate to target conferences CONTROVERSIAL proposals to partially withdraw antitrust immunity from liner shipping conferences will be one of the key areas of debate at a top-level meeting on maritime transport to be held next year.
USS Grapple Containers full of supplies and scuba diving oxygen stand beside the US Navy deepwater recovery ship USS Grapple in Newport, Rhode Island, to begin assisting in the hunt for EgyptAir flight 990 and its vital black boxes off the Massachusetts coast. But the search was delayed by bad weather yesterday as investigators theorised whether the same mechanism behind the 1991 crash of a Boeing 767 in Thailand contributed to Sunday's air disaster.
Fiege Goth mise sur des réseaux locaux desservis par des plates-formes centrales Le groupe Fiege a officiellement présenté les nouvelles appellations de ses filiales à l'occasion du salon Logistik'99 à Bâle. On a également appris qu'Andreas Bühler, le responsable de Fiege Goth à Bâle, a été nommé président du groupe Fiege. Au cours d'un entretien, il nous a dévoilé les ambitions du groupe et nous a expliqué le rôle d'un prestataire de services logistiques paneuropéen.
Le transporteur lourd "Mighty Servant 2" a sombré dans les eaux indonésiennes L'armement Dockwise, spécialisé dans le transport maritime de charges lourdes et volumineuses de plusieurs dizaines de milliers de tonnes, vient de perdre un navire, le "Mighty Servant 2", qui a coulé dans la nuit du 1er au 2 novembre au large de l'île indonésienne de Singkep, alors qu'il transportait un module géant de 8.790 t m. pour l'industrie pétrolière off-shore, qu'il avait chargé en Corée du Sud à Okpo. Il était destiné aux activités pétrolières menées au large de la côte angolaise en Afrique de l'Ouest. Bien plus grave est la disparition de 5 membres de l'équipage, dont l'effectif était de 20 personnes. Plusieurs marins souffrent de fractures et ont eu besoin d'une assistance médicale.
STEF-TFE va prendre le contrôle de Navarro La nouvelle est étonnante, mais elle indique combien forte est la tendance à la concentration dans le transport routier: un an exactement après l'introduction en bourse de 10% de son capital, la société de transport frigorifique Navarro (Aix-en-Provence) a annoncé son intention de passer sous le contrôle d'un de ses principaux concurrents, STEF-TFE. L'opération se déroulera en trois phases, échelonnées jusqu'en 2006.
Aero Groundservices construit un hangar de 12.000 m2 à Ostende La société néerlandaise d'assistance aéroportuaire Aero Groundservices va entamer d'ici quelques semaines la construction d'un nouvel hangar de 12.000 m2 à l'aéroport d'Ostende, une extension de 10.000 m2 étant possible. La mise en service est prévue pour juin 2000.
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