Brazil to sign historic offshore contracts Brazil's national petroleum agency, ANP, says the government will sign historic oil rights concession contracts with 10 foreign firms and the national oil company Petrobras in a September 24 ceremony in Rio de Janeiro.
Halter Marine and Friede Goldman amend merger terms Halter Marine Group, Inc. and Friede Goldman International Inc. have agreed to amend the terms of their proposed merger. Because Friede Goldman is in a contract dispute with a "significant customer," each Halter share will be converted into 0.57 of a share of Friede Goldman, rather than the 0.4614 of a share provided for in the original proposal
LISCR opens London office Liberia International Ship & Corporate Registry (LISCR), the new operator of the Liberian Register, is to open a London office on October 1
Concorrenza nel cabotaggio La Ue insiste: no alle sovvenzioni per la Tirrenia
Probabile ingresso di Maersk dopo la cessione (250 miliardi) di Contship Italia a Eurokai Nuovi soci nel futuro di Gioia Tauro E il gruppo Blg di Brema progetta un maxi-terminal per lo smistamento di auto nuove nel bacino mediterraneo
Soddisfazione alla Spezia: «Così l'Europa fa concorrenza agli asiatici»
Cecilia Batistello, una donna dietro le quinte dell'accordo
Al porto calabrese si attendono le strategie del colosso tedesco
A Trieste traffici ridotti: è a rischio la concessione Ect
More ports shut as Floyd rages HURRICANE Floyd packed a considerable punch yesterday as it made landfall in North Carolina and surged north, disrupting shipping and closing ports up and down the US East Coast.
American Trader spill settlement IN a landmark legal deal, tanker owner Attransco has agreed to pay $16m to the state of California in settlement of claims related to the 1990 grounding of the American Trader, writes John McLaughlin.
BG growth plan on track BRITAIN'S biggest gas company, BG, has said it is on track to deliver promised increased growth from its international operations, with a further boost from the stronger crude oil price.
Armada assembled to tackle millennium gas troubles EMERGENCY teams of gas experts are ready to put to sea under plans to tackle any supply disruption due to millennium trouble, writes James Brewer.
Groupe Bourbon orders second bulker in China FRENCH shipping to supermarkets group, Groupe Bourbon, has ordered a second handysized bulker from the new Nantong Cosco Khi Ship Engineering Company in Nantong.
Scandlines on waste export charge SCANDLINES, the freight and passenger ferry operator, has been charged by Danish police with exporting dangerous waste in the form of a ferry containing asbestos, writes Andrew Draper.
ANL and Shell in reprieve for flag AUSTRALIA'S dwindling shipping fleet remains intact, at least for now, following decisions by two companies to cancel the disposal of vessels after talks with maritime unions.
Maritime Union vows to fight for industry THE Maritime Union of Australia says its negotiations with ANL Container Line and Shell Australia to halt the disposal of ships indicate the union's determination to shore up the industry in the face of the Australian government's inertia, writes Sandy Galbraith.
Brokers out of the loop THE MARINE insurance market is being rocked by a decision of a leading underwriter to axe commissions to insurance brokers. The controversial move is set to take the lid off the world of insurance commissions and place the onus on shipowners to reward brokers.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher