testata inforMARE
22 February 2025 - Year XXIX
Independent journal on economy and transport policy
22:20 GMT+1
November 19, 1999
Shipping Timesweb site
Shipping News
  • PSA enters pilot logistics systems joint venture
    It will help develop integrated logistics solution for petrochemical firm's operations
  • Carnival orders two ships worth US$800m
  • Shanghai, Ningbo ports pass Y2K compliance tests
  • Indon crew of hijacked ship being questioned
  • PSA is Asia's top terminal operator
Air and Land Transport
  • Dubai airport completing new terminal as traffic soars
    Expansion of one of the world's fastest growing airports due to be completed early next year
  • 30% of European flights in 3rd qtr delayed
  • Qantas forecasts higher profit in year-to-date
  • UK air traffic control sell-off in Transport Bill
  • Boeing chief warns against early conclusions
  • Pirates nabbed with force
    Pirated Japanese ship and its crew taken by Indian Navy to Mumbai where the crew are being questioned
  • Court of jurisdiction depends on where carrier breaches its duty

Shipping Timesweb site
Shipping News
  • PSA enters pilot logistics systems joint venture
    It will help develop integrated logistics solution for petrochemical firm's operations
  • Carnival orders two ships worth US$800m
  • Shanghai, Ningbo ports pass Y2K compliance tests
  • Indon crew of hijacked ship being questioned
  • PSA is Asia's top terminal operator
Air and Land Transport
  • Dubai airport completing new terminal as traffic soars
    Expansion of one of the world's fastest growing airports due to be completed early next year
  • 30% of European flights in 3rd qtr delayed
  • Qantas forecasts higher profit in year-to-date
  • UK air traffic control sell-off in Transport Bill
  • Boeing chief warns against early conclusions
  • Pirates nabbed with force
    Pirated Japanese ship and its crew taken by Indian Navy to Mumbai where the crew are being questioned
  • Court of jurisdiction depends on where carrier breaches its duty

Shipping Timesweb site
Shipping News
  • PSA enters pilot logistics systems joint venture
    It will help develop integrated logistics solution for petrochemical firm's operations
  • Carnival orders two ships worth US$800m
  • Shanghai, Ningbo ports pass Y2K compliance tests
  • Indon crew of hijacked ship being questioned
  • PSA is Asia's top terminal operator
Air and Land Transport
  • Dubai airport completing new terminal as traffic soars
    Expansion of one of the world's fastest growing airports due to be completed early next year
  • 30% of European flights in 3rd qtr delayed
  • Qantas forecasts higher profit in year-to-date
  • UK air traffic control sell-off in Transport Bill
  • Boeing chief warns against early conclusions
  • Pirates nabbed with force
    Pirated Japanese ship and its crew taken by Indian Navy to Mumbai where the crew are being questioned
  • Court of jurisdiction depends on where carrier breaches its duty

Shipping Timesweb site
Shipping News
  • PSA enters pilot logistics systems joint venture
    It will help develop integrated logistics solution for petrochemical firm's operations
  • Carnival orders two ships worth US$800m
  • Shanghai, Ningbo ports pass Y2K compliance tests
  • Indon crew of hijacked ship being questioned
  • PSA is Asia's top terminal operator
Air and Land Transport
  • Dubai airport completing new terminal as traffic soars
    Expansion of one of the world's fastest growing airports due to be completed early next year
  • 30% of European flights in 3rd qtr delayed
  • Qantas forecasts higher profit in year-to-date
  • UK air traffic control sell-off in Transport Bill
  • Boeing chief warns against early conclusions
  • Pirates nabbed with force
    Pirated Japanese ship and its crew taken by Indian Navy to Mumbai where the crew are being questioned
  • Court of jurisdiction depends on where carrier breaches its duty

Sched Netweb site
  • China Shipping launches trans- pacific service from Xiamen
  • Vancouver back in business
  • First visit to China
  • New port on the Red Sea coast
  • Philippines to attract investors
  • Sea-Land Service changes name to CSX Lines
  • AEI signs definitive merger agreement with Deutsche Post
  • American Airlines and EVA Airways to launch alliance
  • Aviation seminar in Shanghai

Cargowebweb site
NOVEMBER 18, 1999
  • P&O Nedlloyd 5 percent higher revenue per Teu
  • Book profit Nedlloyd transport was 271 million euro
  • Multinationals want to reduce number of logistics service providers
  • Beazley starts underwriting website
  • 'CSX Lines' new domestic container-shipping name in the US

Cyber Shipping Guide - Ocean Commerceweb site
  • Nittsu Reports Lower Half-Year Profits
  • Cho Yang Withdrawing from US/South America Trade
  • Hanjin's 5,600-TEU Ships Coming into Service

World Wide Shipperweb site
NOVEMBER 18, 1999
  • Washington appeals court Oks Sea-Tac third runway process
  • Hanjin charters container ships
  • FAA gives U.S. airlines clean Y2K compliance
  • Slater Oks steam rules
  • Seattle organizations seek relief for victims of Vietnamese flood
  • Port Vancouver, BC open
  • Maersk expands line

urgente online pressweb site
  • Logista factura 331.145 millones de pesetas en lo que va de año
  • La "Jornada sobre Logística" de Azkar hace énfasis en la inversión tecnológica
  • La Comisión exige a España que recupere las subvenciones a Daewoo
  • Segundo vuelo Málaga-Zurich de Swissair
  • FastShip Atlantic hará la conexión Filadelfia-Cherburgo a partir del 2003

Exim Indiaweb site
  • Belgium offers to develop TN's ports, box handling facilities
  • Spectacular growth in steel exports during April-Sept.
  • Coastal shipping workshop at IMC tomorrow
  • Reliance, WorldTel forge tie-ups in TN
  • Australia eyes port sector for investment
  • Anti-dumping duties on seamless tube imports mooted
  • UK, India 'Get connected'
  • Handicrafts exports may touch new high
  • Textile exports move up marginally by 2.5 per cent in first half
  • New railways freight policy soon
  • US to be partner-country in Indiachem 2000
  • Mr D. L. Bapooji elected new EISA president
  • North American investors see India less risky and market vast
  • July-Sept. gold demand soars by 38 per cent
  • Sinha projects 6.5-7 pc GDP growth
  • Logistics investment prospects in Singapore rated high
  • New crop to boost basmati exports
  • Energy expo
  • US investors to seek 49 pc equity in JVs
  • Plans to set up 3 petrochem complexes near ports

The Bunker Bulletinweb site
NOVEMBER 18, 1999
  • Rotterdam tight until 20 November
  • Unusually low demand in South Africa
  • Mediterranean bunkers steady while distillates surge
  • Fujairah quite steady, tight avails in Suez/Jeddah
  • Singapore still waiting for cargoes
  • Asian market review
  • Russian fuel oil export "already dealt with"
  • Deltaven offers new bunkering service

Il Sole 24 Ore On Lineweb site
  • Commesse per un valore di 2.800 miliardi: i prezzi sono inferiori del 30%
    Gli armatori italiani ordinano 47 nuove navi nel «Far East»
  • Allarme per l'export delle piastrelle emiliane Livorno, a rischio le linee merci Fs
  • E d'Amato scommette sulla Cina
  • Il Registro navale apre gli uffici in Estremo Oriente
  • La «Voyager of the Seas» prima tra le regine dei mari

Lloyd's Listweb site
  • Honduras weeds out 750 vessels
    IN AN effort to upgrade the Honduran ship register massively from its position as one that tends to attract poor quality ships, the country's maritime administration has cancelled the registrations of no fewer than 750 vessels deemed to be substandard.
  • Tug of war over seized dredger
    A DUTCH hopper dredger, Delta Queen, is the focus of intensifying diplomatic debate between the Dutch and Pakistani governments.
  • P&O Nedlloyd returns to an even keel
    Rate increases in the strong Pacific and Asia-Europe container trades, countered by a rise in bunker charges, saw P&O Nedlloyd break even in the third quarter compared with a $7m profit last year.
  • MC Shipping swings into profit on back of bond repurchase scheme
    Containership to gas carrier group MC Shipping has reported a swing into profit in the third quarter.
  • Brown & Root team ousted from Hellenic
    A BRITISH management team on secondment from Brown & Root has finally been ousted from Hellenic Shipyards following several months of increasingly frosty relations with the yard's 2,000-strong workforce.
  • Luka urged to postpone merger
    The Slovenian government yesterday called on the management of the port operator Luka Koper to postpone its planned merger with the shipping company Intereuropa.
  • Dole master is fined
    THE master of a reefer which crashed into a UK lighthouse was yesterday fined '3,000 ($4,800).
  • Race against time to save banana cargo
    Stevedores at Southampton are racing against time to unload bananas from the Dole America, which collided with the Nab Tower on November 7.

The Journal of Commerceweb site
  • Deutsche Post works to meld acquisitions
  • Nut exports move at bargain rates
  • Trade deficit widens in September
  • Jury gets Teamster funding scheme case
  • Martin named CFO for CarrierPoint
  • Chevron to pay Occidental $775 million
  • BP Amoco in new Russia bid
  • TWA drops Rome, Madrid, Barcelona
  • Finkbiner quits NS to head motor carrier
  • Drivers killed, cargo stolen in Eastern Europe
  • Four carriers vie for right to fly to China
  • UPS Logistics center in Texas to serve regional trade, Mexico
  • Hong Kong terminals set for Y2K pause
  • India plans inland terminals, more railcars planned
  • Mergers and acquisitions again name of game
  • Complexity, speed of modern ships increases risks
  • Rates for hull coverage remain in doldrums
  • Buyers of cargo insurance can expect bargain rates
  • Reinsurers may raise their marine rates

The Journal of Commerceweb site
  • Deutsche Post works to meld acquisitions
  • Nut exports move at bargain rates
  • Trade deficit widens in September
  • Jury gets Teamster funding scheme case
  • Martin named CFO for CarrierPoint
  • Chevron to pay Occidental $775 million
  • BP Amoco in new Russia bid
  • TWA drops Rome, Madrid, Barcelona
  • Finkbiner quits NS to head motor carrier
  • Drivers killed, cargo stolen in Eastern Europe
  • Four carriers vie for right to fly to China
  • UPS Logistics center in Texas to serve regional trade, Mexico
  • Hong Kong terminals set for Y2K pause
  • India plans inland terminals, more railcars planned
  • Mergers and acquisitions again name of game
  • Complexity, speed of modern ships increases risks
  • Rates for hull coverage remain in doldrums
  • Buyers of cargo insurance can expect bargain rates
  • Reinsurers may raise their marine rates

The Journal of Commerceweb site
  • Deutsche Post works to meld acquisitions
  • Nut exports move at bargain rates
  • Trade deficit widens in September
  • Jury gets Teamster funding scheme case
  • Martin named CFO for CarrierPoint
  • Chevron to pay Occidental $775 million
  • BP Amoco in new Russia bid
  • TWA drops Rome, Madrid, Barcelona
  • Finkbiner quits NS to head motor carrier
  • Drivers killed, cargo stolen in Eastern Europe
  • Four carriers vie for right to fly to China
  • UPS Logistics center in Texas to serve regional trade, Mexico
  • Hong Kong terminals set for Y2K pause
  • India plans inland terminals, more railcars planned
  • Mergers and acquisitions again name of game
  • Complexity, speed of modern ships increases risks
  • Rates for hull coverage remain in doldrums
  • Buyers of cargo insurance can expect bargain rates
  • Reinsurers may raise their marine rates

Antwerpse Lloyd n.v.web site
NOVEMBER 18, 1999
  • StoraEnso optera-t-il pour un grand terminal au UK?
    Certaines informations de presse font état de l'intention du groupe StoraEnso et de l'armement Cobelfret de réaliser ensemble un grand terminal forestier à Harwich. L'installation devrait être prête dans le courant du premier trimestre de 2001. Renseignements pris à bonnes sources, et chez StoraEnso et chez Cobelfret, les choses ne se présentent pas de la même manière.
  • Les ports français handicapés par des accords locaux avec les dockers
    Ministre français des Transports, Jean-Claude Gayssot ne manque jamais d'argumenter en faveur du développement d'implantations logistiques dans les ports. Mais cette ambition se heurte toujours à l'attitude des dockers. Ces derniers reviennent en effet constamment à la charge pour intervenir y compris dans les enceintes privées et pour des activités qui ne peuvent pas supporter les coûts d'une telle main-d'œuvre. Une véritable épée de Damoclès pour ceux qui souhaitent exploiter notamment des entrepôts dans certains ports français.
  • Coyne Airways lance un service fret régulier Ostende-Pristina
    La compagnie britannique de fret aérien Coyne Airways, qui se spécialise dans le transport vers la CEI, a lancé un service fret hebdomadaire entre Ostende et Pristina. Les vols sont assurés par un Ilyushin IL-76 d'une capacité de 45 tonnes.
  • Interdiction de circuler le week-end: la MBZ, l'APZI et l'UBOT s'inquiètent
    L'Union Belge des Ouvriers du Transport (UBOT), les autorités portuaires de Zeebrugge (MBZ) ainsi que le groupement défendant les intérêts des ports de Bruges et Zeebrugge (APZI) ont toutes les trois fait part de leur préoccupation dans un courrier séparé adressé au ministre de l'Emploi et du Tourisme, Renaat Landuyt, au sujet de sa proposition d'instaurer une interdiction de circuler le week-end pour le transport routier pour résoudre le problème des files le week-end vers la côte.

Marine Linkweb site
NOVEMBER 18, 1999
Maritime Contract News
  • Litton Marine Systems Wins IBS Orders
  • Oceaneering To Provide Offshore Unit
  • Vickers Ulstein Wins Design And Equipment Packages
Breaking News
  • LR Selects New Finance Director
  • Intereuropa Shares Down Amid Merger Doubts
  • British Group Wins Contract For Management Of Mozambique Port
  • Japanese Foreign Ship Orders Increase

Marine Linkweb site
NOVEMBER 18, 1999
Maritime Contract News
  • Litton Marine Systems Wins IBS Orders
  • Oceaneering To Provide Offshore Unit
  • Vickers Ulstein Wins Design And Equipment Packages
Breaking News
  • LR Selects New Finance Director
  • Intereuropa Shares Down Amid Merger Doubts
  • British Group Wins Contract For Management Of Mozambique Port
  • Japanese Foreign Ship Orders Increase

TradeWindsweb site
  • Battle on the Lakes
    A DISPUTE has blown up between shipowner Michael Hudner (photo) and Canada's Fednav over trading in the Great Lakes. Hudner has plans to operate in the dry cargo trade in the Lakes but claims Fednav is trying to hold him back.
  • Pao heir steps in
  • D'Amico in transition
  • Ofer boxes paying off
  • Seatrans in hot water
  • Banking on the Internet
  • Detentions
  • Casualties

ICS satisfied with ISWG-GHG's progress towards decarbonisation of shipping, even if not definitive
Platten: Much work still needs to be done urgently by MEPC meeting in April
In the second half of 2024, freight traffic in the port of Venice grew by +15.3%
In the whole year, cruise passengers were 548 thousand (+7.8%)
In the last quarter of 2024, freight traffic in the port of Rotterdam decreased by -2%
A decrease of -0.7% was recorded for the whole year.
HMM in talks to acquire compatriot SK Shipping
The transaction would be valued at close to $1.4 billion
Clean Maritime Fuels Platform suggests actions needed to make clean fuels available for shipping
The AdSP will become the sole manager of railway shunting in the port of Ravenna
Extraordinary maintenance and investments in new infrastructure will remain the responsibility of RFI
Cargill and Hafnia joint venture in marine fuel supply
Seascale Energy formed
Coast Guard authorizes use of batteries on board Italian flagged ships
Adopted a risk assessment approach using EMSA guidelines
Joint venture between Marsa Maroc and TIL (MSC group) for the management of the eastern container terminal of the port of Nador West Med
50% of the capital plus one share will be held by the African company
Shipping, lack of services and costs for goods checks give a bad reputation to the port of Genoa
Botta: wasting time and money on various checks, not having certainty on the times of exit of the goods from the ports makes the situation unsustainable
In 2024, freight traffic in the port of Barcelona grew by +8.7%
Sharp increase (+12.4%) in containerized cargo. In the last quarter alone, total traffic increased by +1.2%
In the second quarter of 2024, freight traffic in European ports began to grow again
The main types of cargo are increasing with the exception of solid bulk. Sharp increase in volumes in Italian ports
Positive annual economic results for the HHLA terminal group
Last year, container traffic handled by port terminals grew by +0.9%
788 kg of cocaine seized in the port of Gioia Tauro
Reggio Calabria/Gioia Tauro
The AdSP protests against the downgrading of the local Customs office implemented at the same time as a significant increase in its functions
GNV to take delivery of last two of four ro-pax vessels ordered 11 months early
Catani: modernization of port infrastructures, adoption of cold ironing and development of a LNG distribution network are necessary
Le Aziende informanoSponsored Article
ABB Ability™ Marine Remote Diagnostic System
Always on board with you
Maersk and Cochin Shipyard Partner Under Indian Government's Shipping Incentive Program
The first repair of a Danish group ship at the Indian plant during 2025
Federagenti, speed up dredging by using waste material in port facilities
Pessina: the case of La Spezia and Genoa can provide an immediate and effective solution
Contract awarded to Maestral (Fincantieri - EDGE) for the management of the fleet of the United Arab Emirates Navy
Abu Dhabi/Trieste
The order is worth 500 million euros
T&E, remove deforestation-related biofuels from shipping decarbonization strategy and limit those produced from food crops
Dijkstra: IMO should consider climate impact of ‘bad’ biofuels
ICS confident about outcome of next week's IMO meeting on decarbonisation of shipping
In 2024, freight traffic in the port of Genoa fell by -1% while in Savona-Vado it grew by +7%
Cruise passengers down by -11%
Last year traffic in the port of Koper increased by +3.0%
Containerized goods were over 9.4 million tons (+5.6%)
Assarmatori, the ok to the recruitment of crew members by the ship's commander is good
Messina: We ask that the measure becomes structural
In 2024, the port terminals of the Moroccan Marsa Maroc handled a record volume of goods
Historic peak of containers with 2,898,779 teu (+13)
ECSA, A4E and T&E urge EU Commission to promote clean fuels for maritime and aviation
Raptis: We need huge investments, certainties and simplification of access to public and private funding
Kalmar's annual business and economic results decline
Sharp increase in new orders in the last quarter of 2024
In the fourth quarter of 2024, ship traffic in the Suez Canal decreased by -53.5%
Tankers fell by -42.9% and other types of vessels by -58.1%.
Evergreen Invests Nearly $3 Billion in 11 New 24,000-TEU Containerships
Taiwan's three major container shipping companies continue to grow in revenue
Confitarma, the current regulatory framework for port towing services is more than fine
Ministerial circular of 19 March 2019 fully suitable for managing tenders
Last year, cargo traffic in Croatian ports decreased by -10.1%.
Record number of line passengers and cruise passengers
MSC Reorganizes Two Transatlantic Services Between Mediterranean and US East Coast
Nine-day transit time between the port of Genoa and that of New York
Danaos Corporation revenues surpass $1 billion for the first time in 2024
Annual net profit decreased by -8.0%
Ro-ro traffic and regional routes increasingly important for the development of the port of Ancona
Research presented on the potential of the Marche port
HMM revenues grew by +39% in 2024
In the fourth quarter alone the increase was +53%
AP Moller Capital - Bergé y Compañía Agreement to Invest in the Port Sector in Spain and Latin America
Kongens Lyngby/Madrid
Investments through a separately managed fund supported by the Danish company
HHLA signs collective bargaining agreement with ver.di
The union had opposed the transfer of shares of the company's capital to MSC
The Northern Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority suspends Istat variations on concession fees
Nova Marine Carriers, Aug. Bolten and Ership Acquire Maja Stuwadoors Groep
The Dutch company operates a bulk terminal in the port of Amsterdam
In 2024, container traffic in the port of Algeciras decreased by -0.5%
The negative trend continued last month
Confitarma, maintenance of the simplified procedure for the enlistment of seafarers is a good thing
Neapolitan journalist Bianca D'Antonio dies at 83
Point of reference for courtesy and professionalism also for the shipping sector
The AdSP of the Eastern Ligurian Sea has joined the National Observatory for the Protection of the Sea
The organization promotes the valorization of the sea resource
Tomorrow in Naples a conference of studies on the fight against illicit trafficking by sea
It will be held at the University of "Parthenope"
Port of Los Angeles Hits New Container Traffic Peak for January
Los Angeles
Port of Livorno, in 2024 rail traffic grew by +10.4%
Rail share of freight volumes moved rose to 19%
Contract for the immersion in the Ancona reclamation basin of the dredging sediments of the ports of Fano and Numana
Federlogistica, the closure of the Busalla motorway toll booth could put logistics in crisis in the North West
Last year, cargo traffic in Montenegrin ports increased by +2.2%
Passengers increased by +16.1%
Investments of 1.4 billion euros for the development of the Logistics Hub of the FS Italiane group
Investments for new physical and digital assets are foreseen in the 2025-2029 Strategic Plan
Grimaldi Group extends its maritime network to India
On February 20th the first call at the port of Mumbai with the PCTC "Grande California"
One million euros for the reduction of the amount of anchorage fees in the port of Gioia Tauro
Joy Taurus
Ok to the expansion of the Automar car terminal
The AdSP of Eastern Liguria agrees on the need for buffer areas for the ports of La Spezia and Marina di Carrara
The Spice
Areas identified by the body near the port and hinterland of Santo Stefano di Magra
Conference "Iron-Rubber-Water: Intermodality and the Port of Genoa"
It will be held on Friday at the Maritime Station of Genoa
Fratelli Cosulich has acquired a controlling stake of 62% of the capital of Femo Bunker
It has an annual turnover of over 70 million euros
Visual Sailing List
Departure ports
Arrival ports by:
- alphabetical order
- country
- geographical areas
Nola Interport, in 2024 intermodal traffic grew by +18%
Road freight traffic stable
MSC Cruises' new cruise terminal in the port of Barcelona has become operational
It will be officially inaugurated in the next few months
In January, the port of Singapore handled 3.5 million containers (+5.8%)
Container traffic in the port of Hong Kong decreased by -10.5%
The "mole" for the Bisagno torrent spillway tunnel has arrived in the port of Genoa
It is composed of three main pieces of 196 tons
Port of Long Beach Continues to See Exceptional Container Traffic Growth
Long Beach
In January, 953 thousand were moved (+41.4%)
Mercitalia Intermodal reaches agreement with PJM for the digitalization of 600 intermodal wagons
Between 2025 and 2027 they will be equipped with the Austrian company's WaggonTracker digital system
Tomorrow CMA CGM will activate a new service between Italy, Spain and Egypt
Reorganization of the Bora Med Service line with the inclusion of stopovers in Syria
Assoporti at the Fruit Logistica fair in support of the Italian fruit and vegetable sector
Record export value of 6.1 billion euros in 2024
Cargo traffic in Russian ports fell by -1.6% in January
St. Petersburg
Only import loads are growing
First Newbuild Container Ship Owned by ONE Christened
It has a capacity of approximately 13,800 TEUs
Call for proposals for the enhancement of the Tuscan Port Community System
Paroli: the TPCS is used profitably not only by our AdSP, but also by those of Naples, Venice and Cagliari
D'Angelo (ANSI): Necessary steps forward also in cybersecurity for the port sector
Threats can paralyze a highly strategic component for the Country System
UBV Group buys International Services and Logistics Nardi
The Milanese company has been operating in the shipping and integrated logistics sector since 1949
New logistics area in the Milanese hinterland
Joint venture between SFO Capital Partners, Edmond de Rothschild REIM and GARBE
In 2024, container traffic in the port of Valencia increased by +14.1%
Strong growth in transhipment (+18.8%)
Dutch Raben Group has acquired fellow Dutch DGO Express
The company provides road groupage transport and logistics services
Musso (Grendi group): escaping from Genoa? For us it was a stroke of luck
Among the initiatives planned for 2025, the relaunch of the container port of Cagliari
This year the association of Genoese maritime agents celebrates its eightieth anniversary
A series of celebratory events are planned
MPC Capital Acquires 50% Stake in Fellow City BestShip
The Hamburg company currently offers services to around 450 vessels
Italian Ports:
Ancona Genoa Ravenna
Augusta Gioia Tauro Salerno
Bari La Spezia Savona
Brindisi Leghorn Taranto
Cagliari Naples Trapani
Carrara Palermo Trieste
Civitavecchia Piombino Venice
Italian Interports: list World Ports: map
ShipownersShipbuilding and Shiprepairing Yards
ForwardersShip Suppliers
Shipping AgentsTruckers
Tomorrow in Naples a conference of studies on the fight against illicit trafficking by sea
It will be held at the University of "Parthenope"
In Ancona the conference "The port as a strategic development hub for the territory"
It is scheduled for February 11th
››› Meetings File
Türkiye's largest shipping company moves to Greece, while tourism giant exits
(Türkiye Today)
Billions lost at sea: over-reliance on foreign shipping drains economy
(The News International, Pakistan)
››› Press Review File
FORUM of Shipping
and Logistics
Relazione del presidente Nicola Zaccheo
Roma, 18 settembre 2024
››› File
Port of Chioggia, the call for tenders for the assignment of temporary port work service has been published
The optimal operational staff of the authorized company is set at 20 units
Hyundai Mipo Orders Four LNG Bunker Vessels
Yara to lease new ammonia carrier from NYK
In Ancona the conference "The port as a strategic development hub for the territory"
It is scheduled for February 11th
Improvement in the final part of the year is not enough for Eimskip to close 2024 positively
Container traffic at HPH Trust terminals grew by +4.8% last year
Revenues up +8.8%
Konecranes posts record annual and quarterly revenues
In 2024, the value of new orders fell by -3.9%
AD Ports - CMA Terminals Agreement to Manage New Multipurpose Terminal at the Port of Pointe-Noire
The Sustainable Intermodality Logistics Association renews its technical commissions
Francesca Fiorini confirmed as general secretary. 30 new members welcomed
Tarros activates a new rail link between the port of La Spezia and the Interporto of Padua
The Spice
The frequency is weekly
CMA CGM to continue operating container terminal at Syrian port of Latakia
New contract with the General Authority for Land and Sea Ports
Costamare posts record annual and quarterly revenues
Last year, turnover increased by +37.9%
Fatal accident in the ship repair area of the port of Genoa
Immediate strike by workers in the sector
The work on electrifying the docks of La Spezia is proceeding rapidly
The Spice
Federlogistica calls for temporary suspension of measure on new classification criteria for customs offices
Wärtsilä closes 2024 with record financial and commercial results
The value of new orders acquired in the year grew by +14%
DSV Group revenues increased in 2024, but not profits
Air and sea shipments handled by the Danish company increased by +7.1% and +6.6%
Approved for the concession for the automotive terminal of Vezzani in Porto Marghera
25-year contract
Port of Ravenna, estimated growth of +12.9% of traffic in January
Over 1.9 million tons of goods moved
Container traffic in the port of Gioia Tauro increased by +12.5% in January
Joy Taurus
347,917 TEUs were handled
The Interporto of Jesi is part of the Unione Interporti Riuniti
The terminals of Melzo and Rubiera are new aggregate partners of the association
Cisl FP Liguria, the downgrading of the Customs offices of Genoa, La Spezia and Savona is absolutely unjustified
Hapag-Lloyd secures 80% financing for construction costs of 24 containerships
The total investment for the new ships amounts to four billion dollars.
ONE Forms Joint Venture With LX Pantos For U.S. Intermodal Market
Boxlinks to provide end-to-end services in the US
- Via Raffaele Paolucci 17r/19r - 16129 Genoa - ITALY
phone: +39.010.2462122, fax: +39.010.2516768, e-mail
VAT number: 03532950106
Press Reg.: nr 33/96 Genoa Court
Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio
No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher
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