testata inforMARE
13 March 2025 - Year XXIX
Independent journal on economy and transport policy
04:18 GMT+1
October 13, 2000
Shipping Timesweb site
Shipping News
  • France's Marseille port out to woo Asian customers
    [SINGAPORE] The French Port of Marseille wants to win back cargo to and from its hinterland and regain its past glory as the Mediterranean's busiest port.
  • Rina formally charged over Erika incident
  • Natuna Sea towed to Batam after transfer of oil cargo
  • Philippine Coast Guard to upgrade fleet
  • 700 passengers rescued from burning ferry
Air and Land Transport
  • Boeing won't offer huge discounts just to win orders for 747X launch
    [BRUSSELS] Boeing Co will not offer extreme discounts to launch its proposed 747X wide-body airliner, the company's chief executive said.
  • BA to cut capacity by 10%, revise service network
  • EU takes Britain to court over its golden share in BAA
  • Flaws found in jetliner wiring
  • 'Bulldozer' hits Hyundai
    [ULSAN, South Korea] THE new boss of the world's biggest shipyard has begun a crusade to sweep away decades of shadowy business tactics, at the risk of offending South Korea's corporate old guard.
  • Malaysia to ship more cargo through Mediterranean

Shipping Timesweb site
Shipping News
  • France's Marseille port out to woo Asian customers
    [SINGAPORE] The French Port of Marseille wants to win back cargo to and from its hinterland and regain its past glory as the Mediterranean's busiest port.
  • Rina formally charged over Erika incident
  • Natuna Sea towed to Batam after transfer of oil cargo
  • Philippine Coast Guard to upgrade fleet
  • 700 passengers rescued from burning ferry
Air and Land Transport
  • Boeing won't offer huge discounts just to win orders for 747X launch
    [BRUSSELS] Boeing Co will not offer extreme discounts to launch its proposed 747X wide-body airliner, the company's chief executive said.
  • BA to cut capacity by 10%, revise service network
  • EU takes Britain to court over its golden share in BAA
  • Flaws found in jetliner wiring
  • 'Bulldozer' hits Hyundai
    [ULSAN, South Korea] THE new boss of the world's biggest shipyard has begun a crusade to sweep away decades of shadowy business tactics, at the risk of offending South Korea's corporate old guard.
  • Malaysia to ship more cargo through Mediterranean

Shipping Timesweb site
Shipping News
  • France's Marseille port out to woo Asian customers
    [SINGAPORE] The French Port of Marseille wants to win back cargo to and from its hinterland and regain its past glory as the Mediterranean's busiest port.
  • Rina formally charged over Erika incident
  • Natuna Sea towed to Batam after transfer of oil cargo
  • Philippine Coast Guard to upgrade fleet
  • 700 passengers rescued from burning ferry
Air and Land Transport
  • Boeing won't offer huge discounts just to win orders for 747X launch
    [BRUSSELS] Boeing Co will not offer extreme discounts to launch its proposed 747X wide-body airliner, the company's chief executive said.
  • BA to cut capacity by 10%, revise service network
  • EU takes Britain to court over its golden share in BAA
  • Flaws found in jetliner wiring
  • 'Bulldozer' hits Hyundai
    [ULSAN, South Korea] THE new boss of the world's biggest shipyard has begun a crusade to sweep away decades of shadowy business tactics, at the risk of offending South Korea's corporate old guard.
  • Malaysia to ship more cargo through Mediterranean

The Journal of Commerceweb site
  • Online service for booking air cargo debuts
    CargoReservations.com will initially focus on charters of full aircraft, but next month, the company said it will begin offering online bookings for shippers who do not require a full plane.
  • EU faces more trucker troubles
    Europe is bracing for further rebellion by truckers just weeks after they ended blockades against oil refineries, distribution depots, seaports and highways across the continent to protest high fuel prices.
  • Rulings and deference: Whose law is this, anyway?
    A Supreme Court case could strengthen Customs' hand in administering tariff law.
  • Massport cuts Conley Terminal hours during clerks' slowdown
  • APL announces new trans-Atlantic rotation
  • Customs rethinks plan to shift import specialists
  • Cargolifter to locate in North Carolina
  • FAA certifies new technology for large aircraft
  • Congress nears agreement on BXA reauthorization
  • Tanker refloated off Singapore
  • Canada, Russia push polar routes for North America-Asia flights
  • Mexican trucking group wants MS carriers out
  • Bi-state intermodal conference honors NJ congressman
  • Military Traffic Management Command tightens reins on carriers

Sched Netweb site
  • FASC calls for free market legislation
  • Qingdao looks forward to a record year

Cargowebweb site
OCTOBER 12, 2000
  • Online blacklist of penalties US Customs
  • Hauliers want action brought against Shell and Exxon
  • Questions about USPS-FedEx cooperation
  • P&O bought company in Argentina
  • Uniglory signs a slot share agreement with Yangming
  • UK taken to court because of airport-share
  • Air Canada ordered 14 Airbus A320

Exim Indiaweb site
  • Yang Ming adds post-panamax ship to Asia-Europe service
  • India takes US to WTO over steel dumping duties
  • Concor launches LCL cargo facility from ICD-Nagpur to CFS-Mumbai
  • Anti-dumping duty slapped on aniline from Japan, US
  • Cochin Port Trust sets up 'Cruise Cell'
  • NSICT handles 60,385 TEUs in September
  • IMC welcomes RBI steps to fine-tune credit delivery mechanisms
  • EEFC balance must be held in current accounts: RBI

The Bunker Bulletinweb site
OCTOBER 12, 2000
  • No panic buying in Rotterdam as prices escalate
  • Bunker suppliers stop quoting as crude prices soar
  • Great Belt and the Baltic States market commentary
  • Gemany, France and Falmouth market review
  • Montevideo / Alpha Zone today: Competitive levels seen
  • MGO gained $25 in Piraeus
  • Italy and Malta: Avails good, soft demand
  • Gibraltar busy this week
  • Istanbul market review
  • African East and West coast
  • South African market review
  • Weekly review: Singapore prices dip after gains of $10 in the week
  • Mixed feelings on the avails situation in Fujairah
  • Good avails amidst a healthy demand in Suez
  • Average demand in Hong Kong
  • Japan: Avails low, thin demand
  • Downwards trend in Korea today
  • New weekly global averages

International Transport Journalweb site
OCTOBER 12, 2000
  • Inland shipping freight market, week 40, 2nd/6th October, 2000

World Wide Shipperweb site
  • Port Portland board Oks International Airport Master Plan
  • Corps of Engineers assesses $5,000 administrative penalty against Port Siuslaw
  • APL opens three transatlantic services from North Europe to U.S.
  • Coast Guard Group Seattle received five marine MAYDAY calls in three day period
  • Delta writes off $13 million to close down Portland Gateway

Traffic Worldweb site
OCTOBER 12, 2000
  • Boston Threatens Gate Action
  • BAX Veteran Returns
  • Arzoon, A.T. Kearney Partner
  • ALK Rolls Out Web-based Routing
  • Body Shop Teams with Danzas AEI
  • EU Expands Deutsche Post Probe

The East Africanweb site
  • New Dredging Will Enable Handling of Large Ships at Dar

Il Sole 24 Ore On Lineweb site
  • Al Sud lo shipping può crescere solo con la formazione
  • Trasporti & sicurezza
    Una direttiva di Bordon impone i controlli in mare e non in banchina
    Per i porti è rischio paralisi
    E la Finanziaria prevede la riduzione dei finanziamenti per la creazione delle «autostrade del mare»
  • A Taranto «salta» Guacci
    In pole position Petriccione
  • Genova, ancora ferma la Via
    Bloccati i progetti nello scalo
  • Confitarma: i tagli minano il recupero di competitività

Lloyd's Listweb site
  • Saudi prince files Star Cruises suit
    A SAUDI billionaire prince is said to have launched an action against Star Cruises of Malaysia, which is already enmeshed in rumours concerning its boss, Colin Au.
  • A&P poised to take over Le Havre shipyard
    BRITISH shiprepair and conversion specialist A&P will be in position to take over the Société Industrielle de Reparation et d'Entretien Naval facilities at Le Havre within three months if negotiations involving the yard, the port and the French government prove successful.
  • Firmer OMI enjoys buying spree
    OMI has marked its return to the financial high ground with a clutch of vessel acquisitions.
  • XL Capital cuts jobs and lines
    ONE of the top insurance groups, XL Capital, has revealed a $100m-plus programme of cuts which will reduce the global workforce by 7% and end some of its marine and other lines.
  • Polembros in dock at the Bay
    THE owners and master of the Neptune Dorado apparently thought they could sail the 84,711 dwt tanker into and out of San Francisco Bay without anyone discovering the vessel was essentially unseaworthy, according to the US Coast Guard.
  • Company defends Neptune Dorado
    Polembros has put up a stout defence against US Coast Guard and ITF allegations of running a substandard tanker.
  • Møller faces EU probe into liner consortium
    COULD A P Møller's acquisition last year of Safmarine and Sea-Land presage a reorganisation of the liner trades between the Indian subcontinent and Europe?
  • Celebrity's new vessel delayed
    DELIVERY of Royal Caribbean's latest cruiseship has been delayed for a month, partly to resolve vibration problems.

Fairplayweb site
OCTOBER 12, 2000
  • Neptune Dorado's 'numerous leaks'
  • CMA CGM ponders float
  • Feds probe new Florida dope haul
  • Natuna Sea re-floated
  • US moves to dam distillate flow
  • Taiwan trade team to visit China
  • Three killed in Yangtze collision
  • Alliance strengthens Atlantic link
  • All safe after Filipino ferry fire
  • France recalls Erika spill teams
  • Wilhelmshaven ahead in port race
  • Mosvold courted by VLCC 'buyers'
  • India recruits WTO in dumping row
  • 'Human cargo' ship held in Italy
  • Iran seeks LNG partners
  • Tranz Rail slashes operations
  • China hails signing of US trade bill
  • ASEAN approves tariff suspension

Antwerpse Lloyd n.v.web site
  • CMA CGM attend un bénéfice net record de l’ordre de 100 mio. d’EUR en 2000
    Les choses évoluent plus que favorablement pour l’armement français CMA CGM. Les résultats du premier semestre, commentés mardi dernier à Paris par la haute direction, font étalage de prestations record: le volume transporté a progressé de 27% avec 756.000 TEU, le CA a atteint 5,8 mia. de FRF en hausse de 37%, le résultat d’exploitation avec 300 mio. de FRF affichait une progression de 136% et le résultat net avec 207 mio. progressait de 44%. “Nous avons réalisé un excellent premier semestre et le second sera encore meilleur. Au niveau du holding, le résultat final net devrait être de l’ordre de 100 mio. d’euros, soit le double par rapport à l’exercice précédent”, a dit le président Tristan Vieljeux lors d’une conférence de presse. Il était assisté de R. Saade, F. Salem et Alain Wills.
  • Anvers jouerait-il mal la carte du feedering?
    “Au UK, après quatre escales, le capitaine d’un PC feeder obtient la licence de pilotage, ce qui ramène la facture pratiquement à zéro, à l’exception d’une petite taxe minime. A Dunkerque, nous avons obtenu ce principe de la licence de pilotage pour le capitaine après 20 escales. Ainsi, le coût global pour l’entrée et la sortie est ramené de 4.500 FRF par escale à 800 FRF. Pour l’exploitation d’un petit PC, c’est vital. Evidemment, il s’agit de décisions politiques”. Cette considération émise par Gildas Tual, directeur d’exploitation du Nord Container Service (Dunkerque), qui occupait récemment la tribune du Propeller Club Antwerpen, n’a pas manqué de faire impression sur les représentants des milieux maritimes et portuaires anversois qui composaient l’auditoire.
  • La directive sur les déchets maritimes aura un impact sur la concurrence entre ports
    La directive européenne obligeant les navires à délivrer leurs déchets dans les ports, qui devront mettre en place des installations de réception et répercuter au moins en partie les coûts de collecte et de traitement des déchets par le biais des droits portuaires, entrera en vigueur d’ici deux ans. On ne sait pas encore comment certaines dispositions importantes de cette législation seront traduites dans les faits, a permis de constater un séminaire organisé mercredi par l’Institut maritime de l’Université de Gand. Mais la directive ne sera pas sans conséquences pour la position concurrentielle des ports maritimes européens, a averti Guido Van Meel, conseiller pour l’environnement et les affaires européennes de l’Entreprise portuaire d’Anvers, qui est venu présenter le point de vue des autorités portuaires en sa qualité de président du “Marine Committee” de l’European Seaports Organisation.

Marine Linkweb site
OCTOBER 12, 2000
Maritime Contract News
  • Four Dead After U.S. Navy Ship Hit With Explosives
Breaking News
  • Vosper Thornycroft To Move Shipbuilding Work
  • Better Late Than Never?
  • World LNG Trade To Grow Steadily

Marine Linkweb site
OCTOBER 12, 2000
Maritime Contract News
  • Four Dead After U.S. Navy Ship Hit With Explosives
Breaking News
  • Vosper Thornycroft To Move Shipbuilding Work
  • Better Late Than Never?
  • World LNG Trade To Grow Steadily

TradeWindsweb site
  • Strike at Daedong Shipbuilding is over
    Officials at the Chinhae shipyard have struck a new pay deal with unions ending an 80 day dispute.
  • Latsis orders VLGCs
    Greek owner Latsis has thrown down the VLGC gauntlet to market giant Bergesen.
  • Minoan Fying Dolphins ships attached
    Legal action over Express Samina tragedy allows fleet to continue sailing but prevents owner from selling vessels.
  • Lukoil grows tanker fleet
    Russian energy giant Lukoil is pooling its shipping resources to grow an 80 vessel strong fleet.
  • Insurer XL Capital to axe 120 staff
    The Bermuda-based reinsurer has announced job cuts as it seeks to exit unprofitable sectors, including the Lloyd's marine cargo market.
  • Neptune Dorado captain "knew of leaks for months"
    Court documents allege the master of the Polembros tanker Neptune Dorado was told of ballast tank oil leaks when he first took command of the ship.
  • P&I managers invest in e-commerce
    The company that runs the UK P&I club is investing in the internet and sending top manager Mark Holford to lend a hand.

In 2024, freight traffic in the ports of Naples and Salerno grew by +2%
In the fourth quarter alone, increases of +0.4% and +8.4% were recorded respectively.
Significant growth in ZIM's annual financial results but also in the number of containers transported by the fleet
In 2024, over 3.7 million TEUs were loaded on the Israeli company's ships (+14.3%)
Yang Ming's 2024 financial year was very positive
Revenues grew by +58.4%. Profit of almost two billion US dollars
CSIS Urges US Government to Counter Civil-Military Dual-Use System Adopted by Chinese Shipyards
Concerns over USTR's proposed port fee system, but not over its introduction that would cost the top ten companies calling at US ports over eight billion dollars a year
Keppel Infrastructure Fund acquires Global Marine Group
Singapore/New York
The company has a fleet of six vessels for laying submarine cables
Viking Cruise Group's Economic Performance Improves Significantly
Global Ports Holding to manage cruise terminal at Scottish port of Clydeport
Peel Ports Signs 50-Year Concession Agreement
Work begins in the port of Oristano on the new Multifunctional Service Centre for Agri-food Logistics
Hanseatic Global Terminals acquires 60% of the company that operates the Terminal de l'Atlantique in Le Havre
Hamburg/Le Havre
40% remains with the French Seafrigo
Triton buys container shipping company Global Container International
It has a fleet of approximately 500 thousand TEUs
Bureau Veritas closes 2024 with a series of records
Strong growth (+58%) of new orders in the Marine & Offshore segment
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MOL continues acquisitions in the liquid bulk logistics segment
It will buy the Dutch LBC Tank Terminals which has a storage capacity of 3.3 million cubic meters
Jeddah South Container Terminal expansion work begins
Investment of 800 million dollars. Traffic capacity will increase to four million teu
DHL Group revenues grew by +3.0% in 2024
Significant improvement in performance in the last quarter
CMA CGM pledges $20 billion in US investment
The US-flagged fleet is expected to increase from 10 to 30 ships, develop port and logistics activities and create 10,000 new jobs
Annunziata appointed commissioner of the Central Tyrrhenian Sea Port System Authority
His term as president ended on February 2.
With the new orders CMA CGM is preparing to become the second largest containerized maritime carrier in the world
Currently, the Marseille company's orderbook is larger than that of Maersk
Genoese Sirius Ship Management has acquired fellow citizen Generalmarine
The company specializes in solutions for navigation electronics and maritime communications
European Shipowners' Association Changes Name
From today it is called ECSA European Shipowners
EST has ordered a new mobile crane from Konecranes for its terminal in the Port of Augusta
In January, ships transiting the Suez Canal decreased by -23.2%
In 2024, goods passing through the Egyptian waterway dropped by -65.4%
Ships and boats, despite controls, continue to pollute the waters of the European Union
This is denounced in a report by the European Court of Auditors
TiL (MSC Group), with BlackRock and GIP, to acquire 80% of Hutchison Ports
Hong Kong
Also agreement to buy 90% of the capital of Panama Ports Company. The enterprise value is 22.8 billion dollars
Pessina (Federagenti) asks for an examination of the usefulness of the new port terminals
A map highlighting the types of traffic and the actual market demand for these types of goods and services was requested
CMA CGM orders 12 more new 18,000 TEU containerships, this time in China
They will be delivered by Jiangnan Shipyard between 2028 and 2029
In January, freight traffic in the port of Genoa fell by -10.7%, while in Savona-Vado it grew by +8.1%
Containerized goods up +18.2%. Cruise passengers down
Kuehne+Nagel's financial results for the second half of 2024 show significant improvement
In the fourth quarter, net sales increased by +18.8% and net profit by +11.3%
The European Ship Recycling Regulation has achieved its objectives
Too many shipowners - the latest assessment of the legislation denounces - still choose to demolish ships in South Asian shipyards
Croce (Assagenti): the choice of the new president of the Western Liguria AdSP can no longer be postponed
It is not acceptable - he denounced - that for more than a year the port system has been headless
In 2024, CMA CGM revenues increased by +18% and net profit by +57%
Containers transported by the fleet increased by +8%
In 2024, freight traffic in the port of Bremen/Bremerhaven grew by +5.9% thanks to containers
Trend reversal in the last quarter when container loads decreased by -2.6%
Zero Emission Maritime Buyers Alliance Launches Second Low-Emission Maritime Shipping Competition
It is related to an activity lasting 3-5 years starting from 2027
Costamare plans spin-off of dry bulk division
Costamare Bulkers Holdings will be created and is expected to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange
Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings posts record year
High demand for cruises scheduled for 2025 and 2026
Last year, freight traffic in the ports of the Southern Adriatic AdSP decreased by -7.7%
ECSA fully appreciates the European Clean Industrial Deal
T&E also expressed its support, but considered the decision to postpone the proposal for a climate target for 2040 to be very worrying.
80% of Louis-Dreyfus Armateurs shipping and logistics group to InfraVia
The Louis-Dreyfus family will retain the remaining 20% of the capital
Marsa Maroc will also manage the new West Terminal of the port of Nador West Med
Nearly two-thirds of the 1,440-meter quay will be dedicated to containers
In 2024, intermodal shipments handled by German Kombiverkehr decreased by -5%
Frankfurt am Main
Riedl: Intermodal transport must be supported also through incentives
In the fourth quarter of 2024, G20 trade recorded a conjunctural decline
Mixed performance of trade in services
The latest reading of the WTO Goods Trade Barometer shows a variable trend towards good
Positive effect of temporary increase in trade possible in view of introduction of new trade policies
Trasportounito will propose a national haulage ban from March 31st
Longo: from the Ministry evanescent and contentless answers
The introduction of ESG standards represents a profound transformation for port companies
Attica Reports Record Revenue and Operating Performance in 2024
Profits down due to costs of merger with Anek and purchase of emission allowances
Man arrested in investigation into collision between Solong and Stena Immaculate
The charge is manslaughter due to gross negligence
Beijing: Measures to revive US shipbuilding industry won't work
New duties and tariffs - the government underlines - are harmful for both parties
Messina Gets $50M Funding to Support Full Container Investment
Agreement with BPER Banca and Banca Popolare di Sondrio
The tanker Sounion attacked in August in the Red Sea has passed through the Suez Canal
Collision between two ships near the port of Hull
Southampton / Jacksonville / Rotterdam
Fires broke out on both units
In January, freight traffic in the port of Ravenna increased by +7.6%
Dry bulk and general cargo on the rise. Liquid bulk declines
Evergreen, Yang Ming and WHL's monthly revenue growth trend slows
In February, increases of +13.5%, +3.1% and +19.9% were recorded respectively
In 2024, containers transported by the fleet of the Chinese SITC increased by +10.7%
Hong Kong
Annual revenues up +25.9%
A shipment of 240 kg of cocaine was seized in the port of Genoa
The drug came from South America
Assoporti presents new guidelines for inclusive communication
Giampieri: a valid tool for more effective, respectful and inclusive communication throughout the port area
German Schmitz Cargobull to acquire 48% of Polish GT Trailers
Both produce semi-trailers and logistics equipment
AP Moller Capital to acquire 40% of Philippine AC Logistics
Agreement with Ayala Corporation which holds the entire capital of the company
Attica Holdings has sold the ro-pax ferry Kriti II built in 1979
Sold for $3.6 million, it will be dismantled at an EU-authorized shipyard
New economic and operational records for the ICTSI terminal group
Last year, container traffic handled by port terminals grew by +2.5%
Lauritzen Bulkers has bought Canadian Alexander & Blake
The company operates ocean freight forwarding of dry bulk, break bulk and project cargo.
Visual Sailing List
Departure ports
Arrival ports by:
- alphabetical order
- country
- geographical areas
Royal HaskoningDHV has bought the Scottish Arch Henderson
The Aberdeen company specialises in the design of marine works
Collaboration agreement between Saipem and Divento for floating wind in Italy
It foresees the use of STAR 1 technology for the construction of semi-submersible foundations
Global Ship Lease Reports Record Annual and Quarterly Financial Results
Revenues increased by +5.4% in 2024
Trump promises tax incentives for US shipbuilders
Creation of new Office of Shipbuilding announced
CMB.TECH invests $1.18 billion to acquire 40.8% of Golden Ocean
The Belgian company will buy the stake held by John Fredriksen's Hemen Holding
The partners of Interporto Toscano Amerigo Vespucci inject ten million into the company
In November the Board of Directors prepared a restructuring plan
Seabourn has sold the Seabourn Sojourn cruise ship to Mitsui Ocean Cruises
It will be transferred to the Japanese company in the second half of 2026
ECG adopts a program to increase the safety of vehicle delivery to dealers
Cristoforo Canavese dies at 76
Prominent figure of the Ligurian port system
The deed of acquisition of the historic building in Gaeta that will host the ITS Academy Caboto has been signed
At the PSA Venice - Vecon terminal, traditional diesel has been replaced with HVO biofuel
Enables an 88.7% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions
In the port of Augusta, two port cranes have been moved to restore their functioning
They are owned by the Port System Authority
The last diaphragm of the Galleria Salerno Porta Ovest road infrastructure has been demolished
It directly connects the commercial port of the Campania city to the motorway junction
China's CMPort to Acquire 70% of Brazilian Terminal Operator Vast Infraestrutura
Hong Kong/Rio de Janeiro
Active in the port of Açu, it handles 30% of the national crude oil exports
Port of Gioia Tauro, concession renewed to Heidelberg Materials Italia Cementi
Joy Taurus
The duration of the contract has been increased from four to ten years
Construction of a new cruise terminal has begun in Antigua
St. John's
It will be completed by the middle of next year
Finnlines revenues increased by +2.7% in 2024
Pippingsköld confirms purchase of three additional new ro-pax vessels to enter service in 2028
Confirmed to Mercitalia Shunting & Terminal the railway shunting activity in the Interporto of Padua
Daniele Rossi appointed extraordinary commissioner of the AdSP of the Central-Northern Adriatic
Tarros appoints its own agent in Germany
The Spice
It is Global Liner Agencies, a company based in Stuttgart.
Italian Ports:
Ancona Genoa Ravenna
Augusta Gioia Tauro Salerno
Bari La Spezia Savona
Brindisi Leghorn Taranto
Cagliari Naples Trapani
Carrara Palermo Trieste
Civitavecchia Piombino Venice
Italian Interports: list World Ports: map
ShipownersShipbuilding and Shiprepairing Yards
ForwardersShip Suppliers
Shipping AgentsTruckers
Tomorrow in Naples a conference of studies on the fight against illicit trafficking by sea
It will be held at the University of "Parthenope"
In Ancona the conference "The port as a strategic development hub for the territory"
It is scheduled for February 11th
››› Meetings File
Damen Mangalia Unionists Protest Friday Against Possible Closure
(The Romania Journal)
Govt. to woo top ten shipping liners in world for Colombo port expansion
(Daily Mirror)
››› Press Review File
FORUM of Shipping
and Logistics
Relazione del presidente Nicola Zaccheo
Roma, 18 settembre 2024
››› File
ESPO: Clean Industrial Deal is an important first step towards decarbonisation
The plan was presented today by the European Commission
The TAR declares the appeal of Med Yacht Storage on the state concession in Vado Ligure inadmissible
In France, employers are calling for a public-private coordination unit to limit the impact of strikes at ports
The aim is to find solutions quickly
The tender for the supply of temporary work in the ports of the Southern Adriatic AdSP has been completed
Leone: Ports will finally be able to count on a mutual assistance mechanism
The Central Adriatic Port Authority publishes the notice for incentives for the purchase of "green" port vehicles
Federagenti Youth Group Board of Directors Renewed
Filippo Bongiovanni has been appointed president
Augusta Due (Mednav group) returns to the newbuilding market with a 18,500 dwt tanker
It was built by the Chinese shipyard Fujian Southeast Shipbuilding Co.
2025 has started very badly for Spanish ports
In January 43 million tons of goods were moved (-6.4%)
Infrastructure maintenance work begins in the port of Syracuse
Interventions with a total value of over 300 thousand euros
New Fincantieri-Edge agreement to develop solutions for the protection of underwater infrastructures
Abu Dhabi/Trieste
In the first nine months of 2024, freight traffic in Italian ports grew by +0.5%
Solid bulk and conventional cargo decrease. Growth in other sectors
MAIRE, Eni and Iren begin the authorization process for a circular methanol and hydrogen plant
Fritelli (Nextchem): Italian ports will be among the first in the world to be able to use the new ecological fuel
Maestripieri (CISL Liguria): the ports of Genoa and Savona-Vado need a president
The airports - he denounced - are forced to operate in an absolute emergency regime
Nova Marine Carriers, Aug. Bolten and Ership Acquire Maja Stuwadoors Groep
The Dutch company operates a bulk terminal in the port of Amsterdam
In 2024, container traffic in the port of Algeciras decreased by -0.5%
The negative trend continued last month
Confitarma, maintenance of the simplified procedure for the enlistment of seafarers is a good thing
Neapolitan journalist Bianca D'Antonio dies at 83
Point of reference for courtesy and professionalism also for the shipping sector
The AdSP of the Eastern Ligurian Sea has joined the National Observatory for the Protection of the Sea
The organization promotes the valorization of the sea resource
Tomorrow in Naples a conference of studies on the fight against illicit trafficking by sea
It will be held at the University of "Parthenope"
Port of Los Angeles Hits New Container Traffic Peak for January
Los Angeles
Port of Livorno, in 2024 rail traffic grew by +10.4%
Rail share of freight volumes moved rose to 19%
Contract for the immersion in the Ancona reclamation basin of the dredging sediments of the ports of Fano and Numana
- Via Raffaele Paolucci 17r/19r - 16129 Genoa - ITALY
phone: +39.010.2462122, fax: +39.010.2516768, e-mail
VAT number: 03532950106
Press Reg.: nr 33/96 Genoa Court
Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio
No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher
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