Polish register slams IACS for upholding expulsion POLISH Register of Shipping (PRS) has slammed the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) Council for upholding PRS's expulsion from IACS.
Crew certs issued by Marshall Islands double
Subic to set up direct trade ties with Hiroshima
CP Ships teams up with FastShip on Trans-Atlantic
Bulker, tanker collide
Air and Land Transport
SIA to add two more Boeing freighters by 2002 [SINGAPORE] Singapore Airlines (SIA) said it will have two more cargo planes in service by March 2002, on top of 21 new passenger jets, as Asia's most profitable airline anticipates sustained travel and trade demand.
Polish register slams IACS for upholding expulsion POLISH Register of Shipping (PRS) has slammed the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) Council for upholding PRS's expulsion from IACS.
Crew certs issued by Marshall Islands double
Subic to set up direct trade ties with Hiroshima
CP Ships teams up with FastShip on Trans-Atlantic
Bulker, tanker collide
Air and Land Transport
SIA to add two more Boeing freighters by 2002 [SINGAPORE] Singapore Airlines (SIA) said it will have two more cargo planes in service by March 2002, on top of 21 new passenger jets, as Asia's most profitable airline anticipates sustained travel and trade demand.
Bush backs Maritime Security Program, Jones Act While Texas Governor George W. Bush focused on general themes in his first address as President-elect, the Republican ticket paid token attention to maritime and shipping interests during the now-concluded presidential campaign.
FastShip "in final stages" of vessel financing The company's president said it is close to arranging funding for a series of four high-speed ships to be deployed between 2004 and late 2005.
Texas ports move closer to proposed merger A recommendation to conduct a due diligence audit of the Port of Galveston is under consideration by the Port of Houston as the two entities move closer to a proposed merger.
Port survey: Maritime interests favor Charleston expansion to rural site
Importers, brokers face higher fees as Customs tighen exam station rules
EU delays United-USAir decision
FMC moves to revoke 81 licenses
Fritz looks to expand in Brazil
GM, CNF in logistics mega-venture
Missing Honduran ship triggers hijack alert
Panalpina offers new Web-based platform
Stowaway found dead at Port of Long Beach; 3 others seized
Costruzioni navali Firmato un accordo con il gruppo tedesco nel settore militare e civile Alleanza Fincantieri-Hdw L'ad Guarguaglini: «In tre mesi decideremo quali sono le sinergie che potranno essere realizzate»
Allarme per i fanghi
Efibanca entra con Ducato in Moby Invest
Cessione Rina, in pista anche il Bureau Veritas
Crisi alla Spezia, dichiarato il fallimento di Oram
Polemiche per il divieto che scatta il 15 gennaio Petroliere, Venezia rimane «off limits»
Gridlock fears over Bush poll victory MARITIME interests in the US celebrated George W Bush's impending presidency soberly yesterday, unable to divine the new administration's intentions, if any, towards them. Even tanker owners were puzzled.
HDW and Fincantieri to link GERMAN shipyard Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft and the Italian shipbuilding group Fincantieri Cantieri Navali Italiani are seeking closer co-operation.
LR targets class acquisition Lloyd's Register is closely courting another classification society with a view to an acquisition.
THE 16,000 dwt German-controlled freighter Enif THE 16,000 dwt German-controlled freighter Enif finally arrived at Le Havre yesterday in tow of the French Salvage tug Abeille Languedoc. The Enif experienced steering gear problems when passing off Guernsey on Wednesday, early in the morning.
USCG seeks standards body apart from IMO PROPOSALS for the creation of an independent group separate from the International Maritime Organisation to oversee quality standards in the shipping industry have been made by a senior US Coast Guard officer.
European oil firms eye Cuban deepsea exploration contracts Four European oil companies are negotiating with Cuba to carry out deepwater exploration of the island's Gulf of Mexico waters, and Cuban officials say at least two are likely to sign contracts early next year.
Anvers et sa darse à marée: le secteur fluvial menacé dincapacité opérationnelle Après lAGHA, qui attirait récemment lattention des milieux politiques responsables sur le manque dinfrastructures ferroviaires et routières et sur le risque de chaos en matière de mobilité que cela peut entraîner, et après IFB, filiale de la SNCB, qui prédit un blocage total du réseau ferroviaire en 2007, cest au tour de la batellerie de tirer la sonnette dalarme. La mise en service des terminaux à containers va progressivement créer une situation tout aussi catastrophique pour la navigation intérieure, affirme le secteur. A-t-on négligé certains aspects cruciaux lors de lélaboration du projet de darse à marée en cours de creusement sur la rive gauche de lEscaut au sud de Doel? Oui et non.
Le Dienst voor de Scheepvaart équipe le canal Albert dun quai roro La firme Hye Gebroeders a été désignée par le Dienst voor de Scheepvaart pour construire un nouveau quai roro le long du canal Albert à hauteur du kmp 89,8 à Westerlo. Lentrepreneur de Burcht a remporté ladjudication avec une offre de 84,5 millions de BEF. Il dispose de neuf mois pour réaliser le projet.
La route et le rail signent une charte de qualité pour le transport combiné La Fédération Belge des Transporteurs (Febetra), la division fret de la SNCB (B-Cargo) et la société de transport combiné TRW, ont signé en juin dernier une Charte de Qualité visant à améliorer la productivité du transport combiné en Belgique. Cest ce qui a été annoncé mercredi à Bruxelles en présence du gratin du TC en Belgique. Que la nouvelle nait pas été annoncée plus tôt tient dabord aux vacances, puis aux événements à la rentrée et aux négociations qui ont suivi. Dans les milieux concernés, cette signature est considérée comme un pas en avant énorme, car il savère que les différentes parties ne se parlaient pas jusquil y a environ deux ans.
Rhenus acquiert une participation majoritaire dans Serlog et MLS Le groupe logistique allemand Rhenus a acquis 75% des actions de lentreprise suisse Serlog et projette de doubler sous peu sa participation (qui est actuellement de 45%) dans la firme allemande Mindener Logistikservice (MLS). Ces deux sociétés sont actives dans le domaine des services logistiques relatifs aux biens de consommation. Leur reprise ouvre la voie à des synergies intéressantes.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher