A P Moeller and 17 others face EC fines Carriers to be charged with violating European Union anti-trust rules by fixing freight charges
MPA to launch Internet portal for trading of maritime goods and services
Shipping industry urged to speed up use of e-commerce
Air and Land Transport
Brighter skies ahead for BA after flying through rough patch Focus on premium passengers with £600m investment in new products expected to reap handsome dividends
Korean Air pilots may go on strike
Sale delivers A320 jet to BA franchisee
Japanese yards face shake-up Kawasaki's plan to reorganise operations and merge with Mitsui a sign of what's ahead for nation's shipbuilders
London likely to stay the biggest centre of shipping expertise
A P Moeller and 17 others face EC fines Carriers to be charged with violating European Union anti-trust rules by fixing freight charges
MPA to launch Internet portal for trading of maritime goods and services
Shipping industry urged to speed up use of e-commerce
Air and Land Transport
Brighter skies ahead for BA after flying through rough patch Focus on premium passengers with £600m investment in new products expected to reap handsome dividends
Korean Air pilots may go on strike
Sale delivers A320 jet to BA franchisee
Japanese yards face shake-up Kawasaki's plan to reorganise operations and merge with Mitsui a sign of what's ahead for nation's shipbuilders
London likely to stay the biggest centre of shipping expertise
A P Moeller and 17 others face EC fines Carriers to be charged with violating European Union anti-trust rules by fixing freight charges
MPA to launch Internet portal for trading of maritime goods and services
Shipping industry urged to speed up use of e-commerce
Air and Land Transport
Brighter skies ahead for BA after flying through rough patch Focus on premium passengers with £600m investment in new products expected to reap handsome dividends
Korean Air pilots may go on strike
Sale delivers A320 jet to BA franchisee
Japanese yards face shake-up Kawasaki's plan to reorganise operations and merge with Mitsui a sign of what's ahead for nation's shipbuilders
London likely to stay the biggest centre of shipping expertise
A P Moeller and 17 others face EC fines Carriers to be charged with violating European Union anti-trust rules by fixing freight charges
MPA to launch Internet portal for trading of maritime goods and services
Shipping industry urged to speed up use of e-commerce
Air and Land Transport
Brighter skies ahead for BA after flying through rough patch Focus on premium passengers with £600m investment in new products expected to reap handsome dividends
Korean Air pilots may go on strike
Sale delivers A320 jet to BA franchisee
Japanese yards face shake-up Kawasaki's plan to reorganise operations and merge with Mitsui a sign of what's ahead for nation's shipbuilders
London likely to stay the biggest centre of shipping expertise
More consolidation on inland waterways American Commercial Lines LLC and ConAgra, Inc. have signed a definitive agreement that will see ACL acquire ConAgra's inland river barge operations,
Red ink and dwindling backlog at FGH Friede Goldman Halter, Inc. yesterday reported a net loss for the quarter ended March 31, 2000 of $3.1 million, or $0.08 per fully diluted share, on revenue of $211.9 million.
Shipowners angry at Oslo pay U-turn THE Norwegian shipping industry is angry over another government U-turn which proposes the abolition of a 12% seafarer wage refund allowed on certain categories of seafarer.
Cosmo Oil aims for VLCC alliance NIPPON Mitsubishi Oil and Cosmo Oil are in talks to integrate their tanker subsidiaries in a 33-strong VLCC fleet by this autumn. The deal will mark the first time that Japanese oil wholesalers combine their transport operations.
Jay paints rosy future for Vosper Thornycroft VOSPER Thornycroft chief executive Martin Jay has painted an upbeat picture for the support services, shipbuilding and marine products group which is poised to see its orderbook top £1bn ($1.56bn).
Kvaerner to build Grane module KVAERNER'S oil and gas operation yesterday clinched a major offshore project worth $389m to build a production module for use in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea, writes Dale Wainwright.
Erika commission criticises master A FRENCH senate commission has criticised the master of the Erika, Captain Krun Mathur, for not alerting the French authorities sooner to the gravity of the vessel's plight.
Brussels ups pressure on South Korea to hold prices EU industry ministers meeting tomorrow are to call for early consultations with the South Korean authorities to make sure they follow the recent shipbuilding pact, writes Nigel Tutt, Brussels.
Meyer Weft expands with new covered dock MEYER Werft is to spend E100m ($91.1m) on expanding its shipyard, including the construction of a new covered building hall.
QE2 drama as Aurora returns to service AS P&O Cruises latest ship, the $320m Aurora, made a delayed start to her commercial life, the Cunard flagship Queen Elizabeth 2 was involved in a mercy dash in the Atlantic writes David Mott.
La décennie 2000 va-t-elle favoriser la relance de la consolidation dans le liner? L'industrie du liner containérisé a connu ces dix dernières années des évolutions assez spectaculaires, dominées par le concept des alliances et des fusions. En général la partie marketing est restée indépendante, c'est-à-dire propre à chaque armement. C'est surtout la fin des années 90 qui a été marquée par une période de consolidation, comme ce fut le cas avec le rachat d'APL par NOL, et le rachat de Sea-Land par Mærsk. Puis il y eut un coup d'arrêt. Selon Wilford Middleton, aujourd'hui partner dans "The Professional Association of Maritime Executives", après avoir été pendant 25 ans un des principaux responsables de Sea-Land, et qui présidait la première séance de conférences de la manifestation TOC qui se tient à Rotterdam, cette tendance pourrait reprendre au cours de cette décennie.
CargoLifter veut coopérer avec les secteurs portuaire et maritime CargoLifter AG, entreprise allemande spécialisée dans la construction de dirigeables, est à la recherche de partenariats avec des ports et armements. Les dirigeables, qui sont spécialement conçus pour le transport de cargaisons lourdes, peuvent également être alignés pour le transport entre les ports et l'hinterland ou vice-versa, explique le directeur financier Karl Bangert.
OOCL va développer ses activités à Anvers et dans le secteur reefer Au début du mois de juillet prochain devrait démarrer l'un des 5 services du groupe Grand Alliance sur l'Atlantique, celui que l'on appelle "butterfly" à cause du concept particulier de sa rotation. Entre-temps, les 8 PC de 2.700 qui l'animeront auront été transférés du Far East. Selon Courtenay Allan, directeur du trafic transatlantique de OOCL, que nous avons rencontré lors de son récent passage à Anvers, accompagné de Manfred Meier directeur adjoint et de Wayne Shih directeur général de CCOL (Benelux) s.a., son armement alignerait 2 à 3 unités dans ce contexte. Notre interlocuteur s'est par ailleurs prononcé en faveur d'un quatrième service direct sur Anvers, mais d'autres considérations doivent encore être étudiées avant de se prononcer en ce sens.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher